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America's Outdated Sex Laws

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I don't agree at all. Sex is a normal part of human existence. It's how the human population reproduces. I think it's better to let children know about the differences between boys and girls, and to do these things in an age appropriate manner.


I would rather have my kids exposed to sex on TV than the violence. Like Passion of the Christ - very violent and bloody - I don't know how parents can take their children to see that stuff.


Great post Annie!

I agree, with you: society is full of weird stereotypes: violence is better than sex.. if you hit sombody it is almost ok, but if you had a sex ..oh it is a big deal!

The key is to balance the situation: to include massive sex educationin school and in general eliminate the notion that sex is somehting... we are not going to talk about. But at the same time this education should emphasized dangers of sex too: like cars. Sure they are great, but man... they kill people everyday, you got drunk and you can kill a dozen of people... Same with sex: all aspect of it should be covered. It should be open! They sell plastic penises.. ok so what? It has nothign to with morals...the store next door sells massage brushes: so what? their purpose is the same, you just apply it to different spots...

Still immoral?

No Way!

In a nutshell: the problem is that countries have bad moreals (sex sells etc). not at all. The problem people are not educated about sex. If you don't know about a subject mostl likely you are going to screw up...

Very simple. If you are prepared you will be fine.

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1. If you think it is that bad, vote to a ban of liquor stores... they do hurt so many people


2. Why it is popular? Cuz sex is somthing people are not used to talk about, but they want it. As a result those kinda proructs are poplular.

Lift that veil of "no no lets not talk about sex" and it will be allright in a moment.

If you ban somthig it is not going to be any good.

Example: in US people younger 21 cannot buy alcohol. So you think they don't drink? Just the opposite: teh most active part of people who use to party a lot and drink as much as they can.


3. You don't like it? don't watch it. You see, it is fine for some reasons to violently kill people in movies....you don't find it strange?

Every other movie has shooting. Man... have you ever fired a real gun?

Try it somewhere in safe environment... maybe then you will realize that to show violence is much worse...then showing sex related thigns.


4. I think you are very young 8-P

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My wished morals for sex do not exclude morals of other things like violence and alcohol. We were talking about sex here. And no, I don't like violence as well, but that was not the point to begin with.


I know you can turn a tv off. The issue I started with didn't include a tv. It was about a regular street filled with sexshops that you cannot avoid to see, nor can you prevent your children to see. My point is exactly the lack of choice I have here.


I really see no use of those things in sex education. I am not pro-taboo on this, all I am saying that I would really wish for myself to not be overly confronted with sex. I said in a couple of postings before that if the decision were mine to make, I would rather have a balance. No taboo on things like sextoys, people experimenting, who cares! But does everyone has to see it?


Another question is as follows:


As sex is everywhere to be seen, have you considered the possibility that this actually related to the extreme low average age where children start to have sex nowadays? Do you think this is a healthy development?


Just curious!





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1. If you think that violence is worse than sex in terms of moral that is your primary concern here, lest talk about exposure to violence, not sex.

I want to talk about violence and alcohol with you, I want to see if you are as passionate about those topic as about morals. Somthing tells me you are not.


2. The point is when you ban something, cover somthign it immediately became more attractive. I personally find a woman with a little clothes on is sometime smore attarctive than a totally naked woman. I believe it is true in every aspect of life.


3. Ok, ok. I might agree with you, just tell me why you as adults are so bothered by a view of plastic shapes in a showcase? They do not turn you on, thay don't make you angry... then why?


4. No I don't think so it has a really strong correlation.

I guess the lack of sex education is what make it worse.

Sex is still something people are not suppose dto talk about, teenagers would try all banned things just to look like adults and out of curiosity.

They should be educated to have sex, and they are not - this is what I find partuculary disturbing...

Even if people start having sex at older age... you automatically assume they will be more educated? No! if no one is going to teach them, then their sex knowledge would be on the same low level.

We got ta start educationg people, not fussing about morals.

Educated people are sort of inoculated to bad things and there'll be no need of being overly moral.

Think about education versus morals: what would you choose to instill in your child? (Dont say both, we all want to eat a cake and have it)

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If you think that violence is worse than sex in terms of moral that is your primary concern here, lest talk about exposure to violence, not sex.

I want to talk about violence and alcohol with you, I want to see if you are as passionate about those topic as about morals. Somthing tells me you are not.


That something is telling you wrong, Al. I see no point in discussing this in this manner, whether it's sex or violence or drugs. This way you're close to putting words in my mouth.


This holds for the other points you make as well. I have said MANY times that I would never prefer a society where sex as a topic to talk about would be banned or taboo. That's what you are saying. Nor am I saying there shouldn't be sex shops. My point is that they don't have to have their collection right open in the window.


This topic is in the sex forum, I kept my arguments restricted to sex, as it is supposed to. I did not start the conversation about violence or alcohol.


As far as I am concerned, the debate about things other than sex in this topic, is closed.


If you want to talk about violence, open a topic in the forum about violence.



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This holds for the other points you make as well. I have said MANY times that I would never prefer a society where sex as a topic to talk about would be banned or taboo. That's what you are saying. Nor am I saying there shouldn't be sex shops. My point is that they don't have to have their collection right open in the window.


I am sorry. Lets keep it simple then, why do you think exposure to sex objects is not good? COuld you elaborate on that?

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When I was going to middle school and high school in San Francisco (1990s), we had quite a bit of sex ed. I remember teachers bringing in dildos and replicas of penises to teach us how to put on condoms. They did this several times per year, starting when I was 12.


I remember another speaker when I was 13 come, and he pointed to all the pretty girls in the class, said "You are all big red flags!!! Older men will try to sleep with you - they'll say whatever to get you into bed. Do you know how hard it is to raise a baby?" And then he went on to list all the things that people needed to raise a baby, and all that money.


Of course, San Francisco was VERY hard hit by HIV/AIDS in the 80s, and HUGE measures were taken in the 1990s to drop down transmission rates. I remember having several speakers come to our high school classes. Many were young gay men, with HIV. It was so sad when one actually started crying because so many of his friends had already died.


Now with all the protease inhibitors, people have started being less carefull, but HIV is still as deadly as ever - in fact, more dangerous strains may even be emerging. The drug c0cktails only prolong the life - there's no cure yet.


So, in short, I really agree with San Francisco's aggressive sex ed measures. I think the rest of America should follow suit.

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This kind of education is luckily common in all public schools in Holland. (In the states there are separate laws per state, right?) I don't know about the private schools though, especially the serious religious schools.


Still it's apparently not enough. I have been on many Dutch forums where teens would tell easily that they had many unprotected partners. The STD"s increased in number of infections, and especially during summerbreaks there are nowadays constant 'commercials' (state warnings, I have no English translation for this) on tv about the risks of unprotected sex.


Openess about it is certainly the way to avoid even more infections.


How is that in other states in America, I wonder? (I mean the education/prevention)



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When I was going to middle school and high school in San Francisco (1990s), we had quite a bit of sex ed.


I really really believe that it is great to have sex education.

One thing, it should not be full of fear, it would send a wrong message then, I hope it was not like that...

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This kind of education is luckily common in all public schools in Holland. (In the states there are separate laws per state, right?) I don't know about the private schools though, especially the serious religious schools.


Still it's apparently not enough. I have been on many Dutch forums where teens would tell easily that they had many unprotected partners.



Openess about it is certainly the way to avoid even more infections.


How is that in other states in America, I wonder? (I mean the education/prevention)


I definitely agree about openness, though I guess the sex education even in Holland is not good enough since some teens can, want to sex unprotected sex....


I cannot say anything about US school, I didn't go to US school.

And in universities obviously no one cares anymore about it.


And in my opinion Holland is way more open about sex than US.

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Yes *sigh*. It's unbelievable if you see the amounts of warnings related to STI's/AIDS/HIV. On world aids day and the whole week around it, there is almost nothing on tv here except related programs. Still, for a lot of people it seems to be an instance of 'this happens to other people far away from me and will not happen to me'.



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Yes *sigh*. It's unbelievable if you see the amounts of warnings related to STI's/AIDS/HIV. On world aids day and the whole week around it, there is almost nothing on tv here except related programs. Still, for a lot of people it seems to be an instance of 'this happens to other people far away from me and will not happen to me'.



I am sorry I don't think TV is THE EDUCATION people need.

It is different immediate impact and doesnt root deep.

Education is somethign that give you skills\knowledge that you would be able to use later, it should be deep enough to be called education.

Yes it is better than nothing to have ads on TV, but there should be classes...with thought problems...Let me ask you: what excatkly did you guys do in sex educationin schools?

Did you have to solve any problems? Did they explain teh solution?

Or it was more like an "Here is a penis here is a vagina" thing?


All countries should have exams for their citizens that they should pass in school. To be a respobsible citizen means to be sex educated too!

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