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My exdumped me last April. I initiated NC. After 4 months I sent an email. We emailed sporadically until december. In december he left his job and that email address and went travelling. He didn't even text me happy christmas. I'm being brief here as i've rabbited on about this at great length before.I thought that he would never contact me again. Now after all this time he sends me an email and apologises for not contacting me. What should I think, what should I do?

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Well I waited a couple of days and sent him a lighthearted reply just now. Could there be any reason why he is contacting me at this stage other than setting the seeds for a reconciliation? I don't want to build up my hopes.Ill let you know if he replies. I know hes going on a bus tour tomorrow for a week or so.

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there are a million reasons he could be calling you this late in the game. none of which you should be wondering about. torturing yourself will make you vulnerable to any bs he might want to throw at you.


people leave for a reason. they should stay away but sadly they often have to go back to the scene of the crime. sometimes to see if you're still dead. stay guarded. don't let him see a corpse.




best of luck,



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so now he emails me back thanking me for my email and telling me about his trip. Then he asks me to let him know what shenanigans I'm up to.

Is he fishing or does he see me as some good ole pal, loads of fun?


I kept me email light-hearted because I thought that was the right thing to do.

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