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No kids this weekend

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Kids are slowly getting back into their regular visitation schedule....dreading not having them, but also relieved to have a break. Sitting here wishing my exgirlfriend was still with me so I could spend time with her and her little girl like we used to before all the exgirlfriends pregnancy hormones, my kids mom only getting supervised visitation, and distance from both of us because I wasn't as free and she had such a rough first trimester. We just weren't able to spend as much time together...but while I'd viewed that time as temporary and we'd eventually get back to more normalcy, she convinced herself I was the worst thing that happened to her and let me know she regretted ever talking to me.


With such unexpected vitriol from her, its funny to me that after 3-4 months, I'm sitting here thinking about those peaceful evenings, watching movies, playing games, snuggling. We were so happy together...so very happy and comfortable. Now we barely talk and I'm sitting here wishing I was sitting on her couch tonight...knowing I'm thinking about something from months ago and that it wouldn't be that way now.


I think I actually just shook my head over my line of thinking. With no kids to keep me busy this weekend I can imagine I'll be sinking pretty fast after they leave.

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I've been split from my ex 7 month, tonight is the first night I've been home alone with no kids since the split, not my ex's kids, while we was together my kids were always home, never had much us time to be honest so now I'm home alone its making me think if my ex 😩


I'm sure with time we will both get used too it, hope you're ok x

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I'm sort of in the same boat, my split is but a month old, ex already has a new apartment, new life, which I'm happy for her on. It's the kids, I need to make some plans myself now. This is just new. Really caught me off guard. But I know I have to start living apart from my normal routine and actually engage in my children's lives as this was a major reason why my family fell apart. So new directions are scary, and unfamiliar but it's something we both have to get on with. I have considered counselling also for assistance with this.

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