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Reading To Much Into Everything She Says


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I dont know whats wrong with me, but i seem to be analysing everything that she says and getting paranoid that theres more meaning to it.

I left her about 4 weeks ago now, it was a decision i made in the heat of the moment and regretted it ever since doing it.

We met up on monday to chat, we both turned up hoping that it would be really awkward and we could say that leaving was for the best. It didnt go down like that though, what was planned as a quick 2 hours till the train turned into both missing our trains, both missed the last train and the station closing. We talked for almost 5 hours. We laughed loads and had a great time, we left and she held my hand and got in the taxi, she rested her head on me. I went in for the kiss and we both made out for the 10 minutes till i got dropped off. We agreed to meet again on Friday.

All of that is a great sign that things on the mend. But then the texting weve been doing (non stop when both on phones) i keep reading a lot into it. Example when discussing meeting day before...


C (me): Hows your day been anyway? Other than dying this morning haha, it was worth dying for 😜😜

T (her): Yeah it was worth it

T: 😊

C: Glad you thought so to 😏😏 was thinking youd be like "ew nah was i thinking i musta been para tho"

T: Haha yeah it was really weird to see you but i had a good time so yolo

T: Not sure what exactly we think we're playing at but

T: Oh well

C: Was so wierd at first when i saw you i was like nervous 😁

T: Were you haha

C: Like why are you doing this its gonna be awks

T: Same i didnt know what you were gunna say

C: But nah we got to much chemistry to ever be awks

T: We are chatterboxes

T: In fact we never shut up


(I have removed all the other irrelavent chat in between these messages because its about 200 mesages long).


Ive now read into that and got worried she is saying she doesnt know what shes doing seeing me and would rather leave it with "Not sure what exactly we think we're playing at but, Oh well"

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