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Friends mum??


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A good friend of mine I've known all my life!! (21 years)

His mum has always been attractive we all know it.


Over the years more this last 1 or 2 she comments on how good I look and me and her get on very well a little flirting together!


Now I recently spoke to my friend about this and I asked how he would feel if I asked his mum out for a drink. He gave me permission to do so.


Fair play!! Now do I go through with it?

Text her asking her for a drink saying her son gave me permission.


But then if she says no to it could it make it awkward next time I go round or not ?.. Been thinking s little on it recently.


Anyone else's views?

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I did that, me and her son were friends before, me and his mom kind of dated for a few months, then it fizzled. No hard feelings and we are still good friends. If it can go like that your good to go. If she agrees y'all go out, have fun, but don't get to involved, when it ends (which it more than likley will) just be cool. No big emotional scenes no lashing out, just go back to being friends. If you can't do that don't even go there

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I wouldn't go there. If things don't go well between you (and that's IF she even accepts the date), you could lose a good friend. Is it worth it?


If the guy gave him permission, he's not going to lose a friend...


What do you have to lose? At best you have a great time. At worst you have a fun story... You're both reasonable adults... Plus you get to call your good friend "son" from now on... Win-win?

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