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Something That Has Worked For Me

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I haven't posted here in a while, I just gave up trying to get my ex-gf back.

It was not working well, always beside the phone, doing nothing but waiting for her calling, in bed, depressed, wanting to die, becoming a vegetable, and when she called I was just thinking "oh no, did I say it right, I spoiled it, etc." the same you newbies do, but believe, don't.

If your ex will get back to you it doesn't depend on what you say.

Stop planning what will you do, how to dress, stop planning it! it doesn't work and you will only look stiff, forced to her, whatever you plan when you see her/him , stop planning it.

Don't call your ex, no contact is always the way to go.

Think about yourself and let the time do its job.

I know you won't believe me and you don't have to, most of you are on stage 1, and what I say seems to be bulls**t, but now I've learned a lot of things about break ups, women, destiny, psychology, myself...

It's been eight months since my ex left me, and I haven't seen her in six months, I decided to forgive and forget her, I moved house and didn't give her my new number, she contacted me on an old cell phone, we chatted and now two months after, she sends me a text message telling me to call her because she NEEDS to talk to me, if she wants to get back together I don't know and I don't mind, I won't call her until she contacts me again.

It's been eight months since the break up, you just have to be patient.

Good Luck and enjoy life, it's your life, not your ex's.



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Maybe, maybe not, I know this is a post for the "Healing After Break up or divorce" forum, but I saw how many suffer in the first days.

If my ex wants to get back together forgiving and forgetting does work.

If not, well, it's just my particular case, everything can happen to you.

just be relaxed.

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It doesn't matter how long they were together. The only thing that matters is that he is over her and he did it the right way. Now he is in a position to deal with the situation. The sooner you do No Contact, the sooner you can begin to heal. After healing, you are in a much better position to figure out what you really want. And unless the dumpee did something really stupid to cause the breakup, it's the dumper's job to get the other person back, not the other way around. Don't ever forget that.

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