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Made contact after 38 days with the ex girlfriend

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Me and my ex girlfriend broke up after 3 a relationship due to her being apparently unhappy. Before this we had recently had plans of moving out this year and she had just booked a holiday for us both as a Christmas present, showing that she was thinking of the future. When we broke up I did the usual bad thing of sending her a letter and tried to make contact ( I wasn't constantly contacting her like a stalker , just once every couple of weeks) asking her that we could make the relationship work if we did what she wanted. Which I know was a mistake now. So I went no contact with her for 38 days. That was no communication, texting or even facebook. I had got my self into a better place, I knew that I could cope without her, that she wasn't as special as I though she was and I was starting to move on because I am coming to the end of university and I have just got a new job. But she has got my A level certificates which I need for this new job, so I had to make contact. I text her last night saying "Hey,can you see if you have got my A level certificates, I think they are at yours. Need them for a new job that's all!" Which I thought was a good text because it wasn't demanding and it was casual and showed that I was moving on in terms of the job. I didn't mention the relationship and just spoke to her like a normal person. Within a minute I got this reply " Hi, ok will have a look, why do you think they are at mine, its just I cleared my room other day and I haven't got them so if I have they would be downstairs."

I was out bowling with some friends when this text came through so I didn't reply for another 2 hours. I sent " We went to collect them together and I think I left them and my passport at yours, but I took the passport when we went on holiday. there's no rush!"

And then I didn't get a reply...

Initially I thought it was good to instantly get a reply as before she wouldn't reply to my texts at all. What's peoples opinions on this ? I think to say how long we haven't spoken the tone of the texts still sounded slightly bitter. There was no "well done" or "what jobs did you get?". They still seemed pretty blunt and then she didn't even bother replying .

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