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Like my best friend's ex?


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my best friend was in a relationship with a guy for two years.. me and the guy were in the same university after undergrad while my best friend was in another country. they were still together.. and then after two years my best friend broke the relationship. I knew everything that happened. She started hating him, and him her.. and they stopped talking. Since I was in the same university as this guy, I was close to him as well. He asked me out few months after they broke up. I refused but later started liking him and we are together now. My best friend doesnt know about it still. She is extremely close to me.

I am not sure what to do.

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Well I think going forward honesty is the best policy. If you had discussed your feelings with your best friend before actually dating this guy then you would probably be in a much better position. However since you did decide to do this behind her back it paints you in a bad light. You have to tell her and the sooner the better in my opinion. Just know that you have made some choices that you may have to pay for. You may end up losing her as a friend because of the trust that could be lost, she may want you to end the relationship and you may lose that. Either way you need to evaluate which relationship is more important to you before moving forward with the truth.

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