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After ultrasound


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She dumped me at the end of the first trimester. Invited me to the second ultrasound...id made the first of course when we were together. Found out its a girl...even though her family didnt want to know so im the only one that knows.


We talked some...still miss her....but shes making it easier not to. Id always planned on attending the ultrasounds with her..and ive let her know she doesnt have to do this alone...offered to take her shopping, offered to get her car worked on....no and no.


Next day she sends me a link to her baby registry....which id mentioned after the ultrasound to her about creating.


Felt completely disrespected by getting a link....like im just some person, her sperm donor. Ive told her im making room at my house...but everything I say means nothing to her.


Have no idea whats gotten into her mind...but ive tried...tried to be there...tried to be respectful and caring....getting that link and then more silence has made me even more resentful. At a time when id love to be excited and involved ive been made to feel like a sperm donor. Feel played...disrespected...and hate feeling like this.


Nothing has happened where I deserve this. And I hate that my attitude is changing to where ill just make my own arrangements for the baby girl...and she can do what she wants. When the baby is born ill have my rights. She'll have a father and a place at my house with my kids that I have custody of from a previous marriage.


Do I have the wrong attitude about this?


I try not to make emotional decisions but ive thought about this and dont see another choice.

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Deserve has got nothing to do with it. You have expectations about how she should be reacting and you're upset that the reality doesn't meet your expectations. Focus on your responsibilities as the father and not the reactions of your ex. You can't control people. Get your emotions in check.

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