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Getting weird signals from ex

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K well for those of you who ahve followed y story . .adn those of you who ahvent .. when me adn my girlfriedn broke up like a week after i told her i want my distance, and i want time to get over her .. then after i told her that shes called me twice and messaged me on MSN. We also have a tuesday night class together (akward). And are first class together after the breakup was after I had told her I wanted my distance. I didnt sit with her in class, and I caught her looking at me a bunch of times, and she also seemed depressed. And today I was at school in the library, and she walked by where i was, and she looked at me like she wanted to talk, but i sorta ignored her .. and she kept walking by but she kept looking back too. Whta do yu guys take form this?

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