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Ok, here's the situation. It's kind of a long story so Ill try not to bore anybody. Anyways, there's this girl Ive had my eye on since the beginning of the semester. I kinda wanted to talk to her but didnt really expect that she was interested so I left it alone. But one day the weirdest thing happens. Im walking toward the classroom I pass by her and she calls my name. so I walk over toward her and she asks me If id be interested in hanging out sometime. I immediately get my hopes up cause I just think this is the greatest thing in the world. I mean the one particular girl I have been paying attention to is noticing me, how often does that happen? So she's really coming on to me hard. She's really throwing hints out that she wants to date but Im not really sure about it yet cause I wasnt sure If i was ready for a relationship at the time. But for some reason I am extremely vulnurable and we end up dating. I really start liking her. But after a little over a week, out of the blue she just breaks it off. She said she wasnt ready for commitmed but she gave me the famous lets be friends line, and Im not a moron I know what that usually means. I dont understand, she came on to me first, how is a girl just totally crazy about you and it just goes away?

But anyways, we remained friends and things are going well, the only thing is I still have a thing for her and well, she dosent. So we decide to still go to the prom together. Prom night rolls around and I pick her up. Imediately I get this weird vibe that she just doesnt want to be there with me. she just is acting really aloof the whole night. we get to the prom and things arent going well at all. I think maybe I was having false hopes that we might get back together or something. So she goes to dance with other guys. she asks me if its alright and I say yeah of course, I mean were not toghether and it is her prom night too not just mine. But Im watching her and shes seems to be having a better time when she wasnt around me. So I get jealous and I put on this mopy poor pitiful me act. I just kinda stand in a corner and not really say anyhting, an she notices. I really did act like a jerk and I know it was kinda immature.

I could tell she was kinda mad because on the way home was one of the most longest uncomfortable silences Ive ever experienced. The next week I could tell she was avoiding me, she wouldnt even look in my direction unless we passed by eachother and I would say hi or something.

I knew it was for the way I acted at prom, and I need to apologize for it, but I was almost possitive she just was over it and didnt even want to hear from me. I saw her online alot but coulnt bring myself up to talking to her and of course she didnt IM me. so I took it as a hint that it was over and I should let it go and move on.

The first week was really hard, but It got easier seeing as though I wasnt talking to her or seeing her everyday. But then one night out of the blue she IM's me acting all buddy buddy, in fact even tells me to call her. In fact, she IM's me three nights in a row. What does this mean, I mean I thougt she hated me and all the sudden everythings all peachy king. The thing is, Im finally starting to get over her and be able to move on, and now Im afraid its gonna start all over again. What's with this girl? Is she messing with my head? Is she herself just really confused? And why after all of this do I still like her? Im sorry if I sounded whinny but Im really confused and had to get some of this off my chest. If anyone has any advice or suggestions please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks,

Nick P.

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My advice to you would be just to leave it alone. If you still have feeling for her and start chatting, hanging out etc and she still only wants to be friends you will end up in the same situation. Why go through it all over again. Or you can be honest with her and just tell her excatly how you feel about her and see what she says, if she only wants to be friends, move on. Don't put yourself in the same situation 2 times it's not worth the heart ache.

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hey nick,

you seem like a nice guy...but let me tell u something.. coming from a girl...we like to screw with guys heads..its just the way it works..the truth is i think she likes u she just wants to see how much u like her..by doing the whole hard to get act...it didn't work out for her cuz u didnt go for it so she had no choice but to IM u...i think u need to make her go after u for a while...give her a taste of her own medicine..just one clue...when we like a guy we'll go all out for getting them but when we finally get them..we stop liking them...and then wen we let them go..we want them back again! so be careful!

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