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Need help...so confused!!!!!!


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My ex just recently contacted me after I've had a no contact period with her. She tells me she doesn't want to treat me like most people treat their exes and that I'm her only true friend.. she calls, texts, and uses snapchat. Now she's telling me about her kissing another guy didn't feel right like it did with us...... I don't know if she's wanting me back or not....someone please tell me what it may mean and what I should do..

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How long was the NC? It's probably breadcrumbs...she's now feeling lonely and saying things to grab your attention. Until she clearly tells you that she wants to try again with you, tell her to stop saying non-sense and to leave you alone. Can't be friends with someone you have feelings for and who rejected you.

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She is feeling insecure in the direction her life is heading and is trying to hold on to something that was comfortable and she felt happy with. Even if she does want to get back together, it will not be long term. She is simply remembering the good parts of your relationship, and not thinking about the reasons you two broke up. If you can handle keeping in touch with her and not feeling like you are tied together in any way but platonic, then go ahead and keep in contact with her on a very, very casual basis. However, I really get the feeling you need to cut all ties for now. IF there is any possibility of a reunion that will last and not lead to heartbreak, the time is not now.

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