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My best friend (ex) and I got in a fight.


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One of my best friends is my ex boyfriend. We're pretty close and after our breakup remained good friends. We broke up about 5 months, but it still feels like we both have feelings for one another. He told me he didn't but his actions prove other wise. I was misleaded into thinking he wanted a some kind of relationship again. Either I misunderstood or he changed his mind last minute. He came home for a month and we talked almost everyday and hung out like 5 times, and he was the first to make a move on me when we swapped Christmas gifts. He did tell me he wasn't ready to be in a committed relationship, which I understood. WE EVEN PLANNED MY TRIP TO COME SEE HIM.


We only held hands and made out. But he took me out to lunch 2 times and I went over to his house with his family there. I asked him if we could continue this and see where it goes and he said yes. Even asked if he saw us getting back together and he said it's very likely. He said he hasn't been with anyone since we've broken up and I'm really important to him.


I texted a few days before he had to leave what we were to one another, and he completely 360 and said he would rather be friends right now. I got mad and said he was telling me all these things that made it sound like he wanted to date again. He made it sound like he wanted to just start slow and see what happens (actually he did) and then he started acting like he never did. He then felt bad because he felt like he was manipulating me. We just started fighting and thought I was getting clingy with them. He said he would text me when he felt ready too. This is the biggest fight that we have had. ever.


I didn't talk to him for a few days and the day he left I texted him saying that I hope he had a safe flight and I had a great time hanging out with him. I said I was going to miss him and that I loved him ( friend way)


He actually responded and said "Thank you, Emily. I just boarded. I love you back and I'll miss you too. Take care."


I messaged him today and asked if we could talk tomorrow on the phone. I felt bad about somethings I said, and it's bothering me so much, but he hasn't opened it yet. Him and I are such great friends and we tell each other everything. I do care and love him, and I know he's not IN love with me, but he has always loved me than anyone he knows.

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You used to be great friends. But now you are exes. It's not about the label, it's about the role you occupy in each others lives and hearts. You can't truly be friends again until you are no longer exes. You are trying to be everything at once: friends, exes, potential reuniting lovers... how confusing! And neither of you knows which of those boxes the other one is in at any given time, because it's always changing!


Use his flight to get some distance. Stop texting him. Let him come back on his own - if that's what he actually wants to do.

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