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sorry if this might be a bit long...

well i have 2 sisters, and one of them is always bringing trouble into the house, arguments stuff like that, saying she hates us all, wants us all to die. so basically me mum and dad suck upto her, let her do whatever she wants and stuff which is a bit alright because shes 17. but whenever me mum and dad talk to her or something they have a go at me because i moan at them because shes all she ever talks about. her and her girlfriend(yes.. shes gay) me sistsers girlfriend kinda well is basically truble and that.. they always argue and hit eachother so me sister brings that home, and me mum and dad suck up to her, as per usual. so technically to get to the point, im sick of the way me mum and dad go on about her and her life as if shes something special. i know they want her to behave and that and not leave home, but its the way they go about it. they make me feel as if they hate me because whenever they talk to me they shout at me, they make me feel small.. so technically i hate my parents and are sick of them. my mum never lets me out anywhere, she says its because she cares about me, but i think its because shes uptight and doesnt trust me.. i hate my life and i want to die because i hate the way i am treated by my parents because of my sister... any advice on what to do... talking to my mum doesnt work because ive tried it more than enough.. any advice would be helpful, if u can give some for this prob


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hey blah,


Parents can be really difficult to communicate with. I understand that the space your sister takes in the family-life makes you feel less important. I am positive that your parents find you as important as their own lifes, the problem is that your impression is really different.


Your sister is 17, and I think that your parents are really concerned with her. There might be things in her life that you don't know about, but they really worry your parents. That doesn't mean that how you feel is ok, and the fact that they give you the feeling you are not entitled to feel this way, blocks the communication.


It could be that they are more rigid to you because they don't want two children to be worried about. However, although I would understand this if that was the case, it is not ok for you.


As for advice, I find it difficult to give you one. I have been there many times with my parents, and I still sometimes feel like 1 inch tall the way my mom can talk to me. The way for me has been to just be myself, develop myself and find out what makes me happy in life. In a few years time you will be finished at school and maybe start uni, maybe it helps to focus on those things when you feel sad and feel like you hate your life. Your parents will always be your parents, but I can tell you, as the years go by, parts of the relationship with your parents will change. Somethings will never change but they will just bother you less.


I hope this is at least some comfort for you...



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