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Think of this as flirting or more?


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Alright So I've posted on here before about me not being able to find a person I was truly happy about and interested in. It has seemed that my standards are really high and I write off too many people. I still kind of think I do this, but here comes a girl all of a sudden that is pretty much awesome in a lot of ways and I actually have no complaints about her. We have been talking online for probably a month and a half and we have been getting closer and whatever else. I'm starting to have strong feelings for her and sometimes I think she feels the same way, but I'm not sure because there are a lot of mixed signals.


First off I'll start out by saying that shes always joking around about me breaking her heart. We are very sarcastic people so she will always joke around and tell me that I've broken her heart and there are no second chances and we start talking all dramatically like its a soap opera. She seems to want to do this everytime we talk and I'm thinking she wants to express herself to me, or just express herself about possibly having these feelings. She probably feels more comfortable saying it while being sarcastic and jokey. She will always tell me lots of times that we are soul mates and other things like that. And when shes joking around about me breaking her heart and telling me we are soul mates, I'm like, STOP! I'm like stop being sarcastic for once. And shes always like "How do you know I'm not serious?" And then I'm like are you? And the subject is promptly changed ( freakin girls!)


All of this is good news and It sounds like she likes me, and there are actually a few other things I could put in as possible clues, but you get the idea. Thing is though, I have asked her to hang out on about 2-3 occasions. One night being she couldnt because I asked her THAT day and she had something to do. Next time was to go to a show and she wasn't allowed at that specific place. And the next time she supposedly didn't remember or something stupid. She claims she has a horrible memory and has said that we were going to hang out soon, and she was going to make plans. However this hasn't happened yet, and it leads me to believe that shes just all flirt. I believe that if she was really into me she would be trying to hang out ASAP. Another thing is that she is sort of getting over this guy, nothing but a guy she liked for like a little while, and I've been helping her through that. He has been ignoring her for over a month now and sometimes she will talk of missing him. Well sorry for the LONG post, but if anyone has any insight on this issue I would greatly appreciate anything you have to say. I hate girls man

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She seems to be leading you on, because she's not straight up. I can't jump to conclusions, so I'd just offer some advice.I think you should talk to her about your feelings when you guys haven't just been joking around. Maybe in the context, she thinks she can change topics or laugh it off because you guys were joking around in the first place. Hope that made sense. But yeah, try to talk to her face to face about it. Also, don't be too eager about it, take control and stuff. Good luck!

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This last part says it all. You ask her out and she never says yes, plus, she liked someone else and needs a little help getting over it. If she was at least more willing to accept your proposals to go out, I'd be more inclined to believe she might like you. But this girl just seems to be playing games and wants all the attention she could get. Remember - don't pay attention to what a girl says. It's what she does that really tell everything. Actions speak louder than words.

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