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Is this possible?


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My parents never helped me get a license. I've had my permit forever but they wouldn't help me practice driving and now I'm in a tough situation. My parents wont take me anywhere. I tell them I want my license and they say "help yourself." Like really? They tell me I'm always desperate for something. Why, of course. Im a single mom and have 2 little boys i have to take care of all on my own without any help. Not even a father in the picture. And i cant get help with something as simple as having someone sit in the passenger seat while i do the driving! Ugh. I'm upset at their behavior toward me. And I will probably be posting about this situation in the near future but what I'm asking now is, although it sounds ridiculously silly, can I get groceries delivered to my door? If so, what sites are there that do this online ordering thing? I know this sounds crazy but I cant just walk to the grocery store carrying a kid and making the other walk all that way. I can barely do it just a a couple roads away from the gas station. Carrying all the groceries, 1 big bag, puts a strain on me while trying to carry my son who cant walk yet and the other who I'm terrified crossing the road with because he just takes his sweet time walking or goofs off in the road and its a main road which means plenty traffic and it scares me. I want to know if there's anything available that can just deliver my groceries til I can find a way to get my license? Please please help!? I'm so desperate for an answer or a solution. Only person who would take me to the store would be my cousin but she would need gas money(which is understandable) but I dont always have a 20 in my pocket. This is very depressing and frustrating. Thank you

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