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He's fine while I'm missing him

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It will hurt for awhile but the pain will lessen as time goes on. Make a real effort not to torture yourself with thoughts of what he could be doing. It will not change your current situation and will do you no good. The truth is he will move on... but you will too. During the first few months of my breakup I kept busy, busy, busy. I thought about him throughout all the busyness but it made the pain less overwhelming. Exercise, hang out with friends, pick up a new hobby, find a healthy distraction. You'll get through it.

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It will hurt for awhile but the pain will lessen as time goes on. Make a real effort not to torture yourself with thoughts of what he could be doing. It will not change your current situation and will do you no good. The truth is he will move on... but you will too. During the first few months of my breakup I kept busy, busy, busy. I thought about him throughout all the busyness but it made the pain less overwhelming. Exercise, hang out with friends, pick up a new hobby, find a healthy distraction. You'll get through it.


Thank you I will ensure I stay busy with school work which hopefully will lessen the pain.

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I think the problem is we keep thinking there going to turn round and say they miss us but I'm accepting now he won't and even if he does in a few months time when he's had his fun I know there's no going back. We can't ever change what's happened now. I struggle with the fact that he doesn't want to be with me anymore and there's a reason for that.

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