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Trouble after 3 years

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Long story short... I met my girlfriend 3 years ago and after 2 months we moved halfway accross the country together leaving all our families behind & started over just the two of us. I was 23 and she was 20 at the time.


Now, I am not the most responsible person in the world, in fact for the 3 years we have been together I have only worked for 2 months, and she has been paying all the bills. I also used to verbally abuse her when i got angry, throw things & occasionally grab her by the arm & neck..one time I even kicked her in the leg.


Things like that are unforgivable, this I realize, but it has been over a year since I have physically touched her. However, back in February she started going out with some friends for the first time we have been together, 3 weeks later the day after valentines day of all days she kissed someone else and told me it was over. Come to find out she said lets give it a week and see where we are.


During that week, she came to find out the guy was only after sex, ( go figure he was 35 and she was 22, she just wanted someone to notice her ). Things went back to the way they were, with her working all the time, she took a new position and now works 12-13 hour days and only see each other about 2 hours a day.


This past weekend, she told me she wants to be alone, because she hasnt gotten to be a typical woman in her 20's going out with friends & having no one to report too.


I need her in my life, I am a manic depressive & she is the only thing that I have going for me. It is not however her responsibility to have to take care of me, its something I need to do for myself. But she is so unhappy I dont know where to go from here.


She gave me until the end of june to leave, of which I am hoping in that time we can maybe re-kindle some of our past and maybe get a fresh start. However, she has to be the one to let me do that. We still sleep in the same bed, in the middle of the night she told me it was ok for me to put my arm around her. Then later in the night she said not too.


She doesnt want to send me mixed messages, but I know she still wants to be together, but she wants to be able to go out and do what she wants without me here when she gets home.


I have no money, no job, no place to live, and my family is 1200 miles away. I am currently declaring bankruptcy and have to stay here until that is finalized, which she is allowing me to do.


Please if you have any suggestions let me know, asap. It is appreciated.


Top it all off.... Wednesday is our 3 year anniversary !! Need help quickly, with how I can convince her that I want to be able to see her be happy, and she and I can be happy together again.


Thankyou for your support & first time posting here. Its a great forum

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