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anyone else feeling this??

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hey everyone. okay i dont want to depress anyone, the thing is im surprised i hanvt seen any posts about vday getting you down. i must commend you, honestly today has been a day of just reminissing and thinking about my past and those i love(d). its just so hard to think a year ago today i was so happy and so elated because i was with the most wonderful guy in the world and this year i just see him from afar in the halls and a little hey here and there and a few online messages. i mean we're still "friends" but its nothing like before. i mean forget the making out but just a solid friendship has yet to emerge. i thought if we ever broke up it would be different. we were so perfect together and its just so hard to look at the gifts once given with an abundance of love that he probably now doesnt even remember. ahh its so harrrd, the thing is i cant even cry...i just feel numb. has anyone else experienced v day blues? ive also noticed during this time of year...i mean like january n february, when the winter has been long and tideous, i get this depressed feeling, as if it will never end. i dont know...i just need to vent, im wondering if ill ever find love again...i feel like telling my ex how much i love and miss him and how much he means to me. but i dont want to scare off the friendship that we have built since the breakup. what do you guys think??

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Well, to tell you the truth - the older I get, the more I resent Valentine's day. It's truly another commercial opportunity for stores to get more $$$ from consumers, and really not that long after Christmas when everyone is tapped out. This holiday puts so much pressure on people - I bet its responsible for more break-ups than hook-ups!

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this is totally common.. I for one feels those winter blues every year - and it sucks. It just makes sense, christmas isn't for a long time, your usually broke because of it, by this point you've probably broken any new years resolutions, pressure to get back to work after break, inbetween holidays (christmas vs. spring break), cannot WAIT until summer, and of course...Valentines Day. I'm also surprised about the lack of complaints going around about the whole thing. I even have someone new and still I am reminiscing of lost loves (especially the one from last three years...still recovering) But no less, Valentine's Day has become so much more about consurmism than the actual meaning of love - that v-day means nothing but candy, meals, teddy bears, and flowers...which heck, who needs that anyway? I think this holiday should be spent celebrating your own independence, yanno? Good luck - and trust me, you are not alone.

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I agree with scout. Today is basically another " hallmark holiday", it seems like another day to feel crappy about the loved one you once had, and for me it was just a reminder of what I don't have any more with that person and how they are sharing it with someone else. that sucks!! I'm glad v-day is almost over and I don't have to deal with the cheesy commercials anymore for another year, hopefully next year i'll feel different. Sorry I don't mean to sound soo depressing today was just hell for me, my ex and I split up a month ago, due to his cheating, but i'm happy I made it through this, it can only get better from here!!

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