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i need some advice on how to start conversations and keep them going. currently i am a high school senior in california and have been in in about 15 different schools throughout my life. one thing that i am sure of now is that i don't have any social skills at all. for some reasons in high school it has been hard to make close friends. at first i thought that maybe me not having a girlfriend was because maybe i had didn't look hot so i tried to correct the problem by building lots of muscle, finding treatments that actually kill acne, and many more different stuff. what i have now learned is that it's not the looks that'll get you a girl, it's how you talk to them and that's what I am lacking.


it is kind of hard to think that i am a senior in hs and still have not had a date yet. i tried online dating and had many matches and with rating sites i always come in the top 5 percent, but when i talk with them on the phone, I can't keep conversations flowing. the advice i am curius to what you guys talk about when you call or meet a girl? also, since i am new to the city that i am living in, where are good places for me to hangout and meet new people?

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