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My ex keeps plaing mindgames!


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Hi all,


I just recently got out from my 3 years relationship with girlfriend. We were very crazy in love. She was my world and all came crashing down after she dumped me for Jesus. We couldnt be together because I'm Buddhist and shes Christian. Personally i respect my partner's belief and i will never change them nor try to influence them to believe in what i do, just because its not right and their belief is part of the person they are. But she doesnt think so. Our situation are complicated because parents involve etc.


Anyway, long story short she said we cant be together but she still tried to initiate "friendly" conversation with me. She would update status saying things where i would be the only one who understand or change her profile picture related to us. This tempted me very much to go talk to her and the conversation woud lead into a flirting kinda way. But in the end, she still said we're not getting back together. This had happened several times and i was too tired to play this game so in the end i told her we have to stop doing this. I cant be tempted to talk to you all the time when in the end you still say you cant be with me because it's wrong. I told her that i need to unfriend her on facebook because if the only choice i have is to be single then i have to move on. I told her outright and i thought she understood that. But when i unfriended her, she actually deleted her facebook account altogether. Our texts on whatsapp continued on for abit with her trying to "tempt" me the same way but when she saw that i wont text her first (so she could reject me later on again), she blocked me on whatsapp too (On whatsapp the person who blocks you can see everything about you all the same, just that you wont be able to see anything about them). When i put my instagram on private after deleting her there, she put hers on private. When i put mine back on public, she puts her back on public too. She will like my photos that has any relations to "us", but then after some time when i go back to those pictures, it seemed like she "un-liked" them.


Recently i broke down because ive been stalking her on instagram alot and i missed her like crazy, so i used someone else phone to text her on whatsapp but she shot me down in the most coldest way saying that she doesnt want to contact me at all because she doesnt want to play "memory games and stuff" and we cant be friends...Through out the conversation i did try to talk because i truly missed her but all she kept on saying is "i gotta go back to my bible study now, exam this saturday dont wanna fail", "I gotta go, goodbye, take care". After those text msges, i felt like my dignity was crushed. Literally. That was the final straw. I felt like that was a slap in the face and it felt like i am a pest to her, something she cant wait to get rid off. I went and blocked her on instagram because that is literally where her last existence on social network is for me (since she deleted her fb and blocked me on whatsapp already and we are in LD). I felt like i really need to move on and i need to start by not typing up her name to see her picture 1000 times a day. Usually after you block someone on instagram, you will still be able to search for the person name and see their profile all the same, but just that the other party wont see you nor able to search for you. Next thing i know, she deleted her instagram account as well. I guess shes been typing my name to check on me everyday as well huh. Not to be boastful but if she has instagram for other purposes other than me, why delete? (she only started instagram not long ago after we broke up, and she even tell me she has instagram now) What is this girl's werid behaviour? Is this some kind of ego game she's playing? I know she didnt deleted these things to create something new because none of our mutual friend on facebook nor her friend could find her anywhere. She also didnt add anyone with new name. The same with instagram. She just completely dropped out. I know i shouldnt read much into this but just curious and want to know whats happening. Has anyone been in the same situation?

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Stop following her every move and don't even google her name. You can't be together due to religious differences and so there is no sense to your stalking/creeping behaviour whatsoever. You torture yourself doing what you've been doing.


Its over now so do the mental work you need to do to help you get to the stage of indifference to her so that you'll be open in heart and mind to meet someone who is more compatible to yourself. Please do yourself a favor and make sure that religion is not going to be a wedge to you and any new girl going forward. There is no point in getting yourself hurt again if who you get with in the future has issues with the differences in your religions.


Good luck, be strong and don't creep for her on the computer in any capacity. Doing that is just holding you back from getting on with your life without her in it.


As for you wondering why she's doing what she's doing. She's just like you and every other young person out there. You're addicted to social media and you're having a hard time stopping yourselves from looking at what the other is doing. Don't read anything else into it.

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