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Is it wrong?


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Hey guys,


How many of you think it's wrong to have preferences for certain body parts on guys or girls e.g. breasts, butts, arms, hair etc? I mean, my friend says if a girl is flat chested then I'd hardly be interested in her, but I know it's not like I'm looking for something that is out of the ordinary or something, and I do know how important personality is in maintaining attraction. I think it only becomes a problem when a person doesn't figure personality into the equation in addition to good looks. So how many of you guys and girls think it's wrong or shallow to have these preferences?

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Well I know that ive seen some women that i wouldint look at more than twice if i had to pick them in a beauty contest line up because of flat chest, etc. but once i get to talking to her its like that seemed to all go out the door. I can actually have a good conversation with her! The more i learned about her the more of a catch she seemed to be. Thats a real turn on.


Then ive seen women that id pay to go out and be seen with but I always felt akward around them. never could get past small talk. She never had anything to say, not very open, etc. Almost becomes fustrating. Maybe i came accross too needy?


I guess what im trying to say is that theres nothing wrong with preferences but physical appearance can only get you so far, after that personality must take over or its just not going to work. Give everyone a chance. Interesting post.

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Well then I'm shallow because I do have body part preferences for men and I'm a woman. No it's not like I say if he doesn't fit my ideal I dog him, I just have parts that I do prefer for personal reasons.


There are men that prefer flat chested women, you just don't happen to be one of them. My brother is one of those men, probably because well endowed women would remind him of his mom or sister.

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Well then I'm shallow because I do have body part preferences for men and I'm a woman. No it's not like I say if he doesn't fit my ideal I dog him, I just have parts that I do prefer for personal reasons.


There are men that prefer flat chested women, you just don't happen to be one of them. My brother is one of those men, probably because well endowed women would remind him of his mom or sister.


lol...I think everyone is "shallow" to some extent, whether they like to admit it or not. Everybody likes to point fingers, but when someone points a finger at you for being shallow, there's three pointing back at them! I have preferences, and most girls I've been attracted to have fit with them. However, there have been some exceptions who have been equally attractive.

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Physical attraction is a big part of a relationship. I know I am attracted to certian things is a guy. But that is not all that I look for. And sometimes I have meet guys that physically have all the things I like, but the personality is lacking, so I dont persue that either. I think it starts with physical and there is nothing wrong with liking one thing better than another. Just dont let that limit you, or you could really miss out

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It's not wrong... It's natural. There are people that are attracted to everything, even things that turn you personally off. It's total bunk when people say you're shallow for requiring there to be a certain level of physical attraction for you to pursue a relationship. Looks do fade, but it's funny as couples grow old together they often don't notice it happening. Initially, however, the attraction WAS there and it should be for you too. If you like a certain feature, you're automatically going to gravitate towards a female with that feature.


That said, take it from someone who was attracted to tall, dark, muscular, tough looking guys (my exes look like relatives of Vin Diesel for the most part) you might fall for someone who isn't your "type". My current BF is "cute" as opposed to "ruggedly handsome" and not that much taller than me (if I wear heels, he is shorter) and he is so far off from a "tough guy" it isn't even funny. But I love him with all my heart, and I wouldn't trade him for Vin Diesel himself.

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I always find that I do have a 'type' (blue/green eyes, dark brown hair, medium height and so on). I hate that I do. But every guy I'm attracted to without knowing them falls under that category. Although, if I talk to a guy long enough, I will actually find myself being attracted to them through their sense of humour, intelligence, whatever. And then I'll find them physically attractive. Ok so it takes me a little longer...but I get there eventually. Conversely, if I find a guy attractive and he's got nothing going on in his head, then he becomes less attractive to me physically.



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