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Self COnfidence is allways low.

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Im a typical Teenager, il lgo out, laze around and do whatever i can think of at the time.. thing is.. i have a really really low confidence level.

Just wondering is there a way to make my confidence levels that bit higher. i mean im not a "popular" person as some would put it, i am more medium, Few people know me in school. i love it that way. think is my confidence is really showing at certain times such as:

-Eye Contact, i can keep it with some but a majority i cant.

-when walking i dont have a natural expression when im on my own, dunno why..


Confidence is soemthing i used to have but lost it, i dont know where or why but i did, now its a case of i wont volenteer to do things in front of a big group etc.. Yet i feel comfortable around some people in a big group.. i cant work out what it is thats making my con levels really at a down..


Can anyone help me, maybe tell me how to be confident? ...

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That's a hard one, not really sure if there's a magic formula. I think everyone has to find their own way to increase their confidence level. I've always found that my confidence level increases every time I conquer some little fear that I've always had. When I initially came to this forum for example, I feared my friends putting me down all the time. I eventually grew out of that fear and felt better about myself for doing so. Later on, I had the fear of speaking up in front of groups and public speaking in general. I eventually grew out of that as well. Then I focused on my fear of approaching women that I was interested in. I'm still working on this one a little bit but I've been able to approach many women in the last year. I think it's all about growing out of those irrational fears that you have about other people.

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oh my god we r exactly the same!! it is almost uncanny really. but at times i just push myself, i push myself to be outgoing and volunteer. to be honest it doesn't work to well but it is a chanllenge. My therapist say that a lot of teenagers feel this way, it will get better. Be yourself.


Good luck to you........and me, I guess, lol.


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Confidence is easy. Here's what you should try. When faced with a challange, any challange, say to yourself, piece of Cake! And make sure everybody knows it someway or another. Just focus on that tasks that keep hitting you while you run life, and give it your can do attitude. You wont even realize it, but your confidence will go up.


Do things that you are good at, and that make you feel good.

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Here's an exercise for you if you didn't get my other post: Imagine the type of person that you want to be. Imagine what kind of clothes you would be wearing, the expression on your face, the type of persona you have. Now imagine the way that you want to talk to other people and how you present yourself in front of them. Imagine the way that you want people respond to you. Are you happy with the way it's going so far? If not, then start over again until you find something that you absolutely love. Now how badly do you want to be this person? Do you want to be like that no matter what? Turn it into a desire and you will "Think And Grow Rich".

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Here is something i read to increase confidence levels, its worth a try:




STEP 1 - Think back to a time when you felt really, really

confident. Fully return to that experience in your mind and

body. Think of the feelings that came with that experience,

visualize what you saw, hear again what you heard, and feel now

what you felt then.


(If you can't remember ever being confident, imagine what it

must be like to be self-confident - to have all the strength,

power and self-belief you'll ever need.)


STEP 2 - Enjoy this memory as you experience it once again, and

make the the colours brighter and richer, the sounds more

lively and the feeling stronger.


STEP 3 - Sqeeze your thumb and middle finger together as you

relive these feelings.


STEP 4 - Repeat the first three steps several times with

different similiar positive memories until just squeezing your

thumb and middle finger together is enough to awaken this



STEP 5 - Continue squeezing and think about a situation where

you want to feel more confident. See in your mind everything

going well, going perfectly - exactly the way you would like.


The next time you feel challenged by a situation, simply

squeeze your middle finger and thumb together, and these

feelings will return. It's not magic - it's just retraining

your mind.


The human brain is a complicated device, but it obeys simple

rules. When you feel more confident just imagining these

scenarios, you will feel more confident when they actually



This process should yield instant results, but if you repeat

these steps everyday this week you can forget worrying about

confidence and concentrate on your conversation!

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Thanx for all the help so far.. i have found the last two post above this the best ones (allthough others helped to )

I am trying this @ school now, trying to think of being confident in my mind and seeing what effect it has..


Posts still welcomed though

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Liem to say thanks to all who contributed

i tried the thing about thinking what mnakes me happy and stuff and i felf a lot better about myself.. even had a decent Badminton game with a few ppl i didnt know at school in PE which is a big difference for me.


thanks again

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Liem to say thanks to all who contributed

i tried the thing about thinking what mnakes me happy and stuff and i felf a lot better about myself.. even had a decent Badminton game with a few ppl i didnt know at school in PE which is a big difference for me.


thanks again


Hey man, that's great to hear! I was feeling like **** earlier this week but feeling better today because I snapped myself out of that mood and told myself to be confident again. As silly as it sounds, it really does makes a huge difference throughout the whole day.

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