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I haven't been around for a long time here but i felt i needed to come and vent a little. For the last two days all i've felt like doing is crying and going off somewhere by myself. I'm now almost 37 weeks pregnant and i realize my hormones are probably the cause of alot of this. But still. I feel like my boyfriend won't listen to things i have to say or want to get done before the baby gets here. My parents are pushing at me to come back home with them, more or less so they can take over my life and the baby's. Then today i got a paper saying my old insurance company won't pay for a bill from my dr's office that they never should've got in the first place! So now i have to figure out why my dr's office decided to charge me, medicaid and my old insurance company for the same bill. Nice huh? I know it sounds like i'm whining but i just feel very depressed. I'm not real sure how to deal with everything right now. I just feel like giving up, and all this bothers me to the point i think i'm going to have some major postpartum emotional problems. Another thing is that i feel like every one is against me and that everyone i talk to act so rude. Perhaps this is just me but it's something i don't think i have control over right now. And then my best friend of 7 years forgot my birthday friday(i know i know, sounds like i'm a big baby, but it does hurt). Anyway, thanks for listening.

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It is hurtful and your hormones are raging. My friend at college has a lot of stress and is also pregnant. I think because you are (congrats by the way) that it makes it seem 10 times worse. I'm sure if you sit down and tell your boyfriend how you feel he will try to be a little more sympathetic.


As for the bill problem I'm sure you can resolve it. Just try to stay calm in the process. Getting angry never aids a situation. If you need someone to chat to just pm me. I'm userally about.

Take care,


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Sometimes when I get depressed (ok I dont' know about hormones and pregnancy stuff) but I think about "I got a life, and if Im gonna spend it upset... then this sux."


If I am not having fun, then I feel like why am I wasting my life? So I get up and I do somethign about it. Never got anything done by sitting around and just worrying.


Proactive is key, get out there, figure out the bill problem, then talk to your bf. By getting the billing done, it will help you focus on your relationship and the child.



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The bill is probably a mistake, just call their office and they'll resubmit it to the correct insurance company.


Yes it's your hormones and men don't usually get it. Just because you feel hormonal now doesn't mean you'll be depressed afterwards. You may actually feel fine after the birth. Do something that is relaxing to you, warm bath, massage, pedicure, whatever it is. It will really help you these last couple of weeks.

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