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Gotta stay no contact

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I'd ask myself, "what possible good could come from contacting her?" Really .........what good could come from it?


If I were you and doing so much better, I would keep at it. The urge is normal and it really may feel that you can handle it, but think about a few possible outcomes if you do break NC.


She may be doing so much better than you perhaps a bit too good without you in her life and it could send you back into a slumb. She could be seeing someone and chances are you start to compare yourself to that person and feel inadequate.

keep up NC ...contact will get you nothing but more hurt and pain

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Believe it or not, a month or so is when it starts to get a "little" easier in my opinion. Yes, it will still be hard for a while to come (depending on how long you were together and how close you were with keeping contact when you were together) but now that you've had a few weeks under your belt, you've seen what it's like not to contact them or be contacted. It starts to get easier only because you now realize that life goes on without their contact (it may or may not be going well, but you can at least take solace in the other things you've found to do instead of talking to them). When you get past the second month, it should start to feel even easier but it's obviously not a direct A-B route to recovery. Hang in there and continue posting on here for strength and support. It sounds cheesy, but it does help, honest!

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