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You're 15 - don't worry too much about huge muscle mass just yet. You're still developing, and once your testosterone levels increase, you'll be able to develop muscles easier.


I would talk to a trainer - but he may tell you that you're too young to take muscle mass very seriously. You should have a trainer show you how to do the exercises correctly. I see a lot of people at the gym that obviously have no clue what they're doing. They can seriously hurt themselves! Additionally, if you're not doing the exercises correctly, you won't be maximizing your time and effort, and thereforeeee, won't gain muscle mass.


Eat lots of protein - lean meat - it will help build up muscle.

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If you want to put on muscle mass you need to eat lots and train hard. You are not to young.




You need a gram or protein for every pound of bodyweight for growth. I say it should be 1.2 grams to make sure your getting enough...


Protein sources

Try and eat a whole range of proteins like chicken, tuna, beef, lamb and nuts. (nuts are a good source of protein)

Meats contain amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle, they help repair and build muscle fibres.

Taking in a range of protein sources ensures your getting a good range of amino acids too as well as not getting bored of eating the same thing every day.



3-4g of carbs per lb of bodyweight, eating complex carbs like rices/pastas/potatoes/vegeatbles/grains etc.

Carbs can make or break a training day, too little carbs before training will make you run on half throttle and you will lose steam quickly. Think of it as filling the fuel tank before starting the engine, you want to work at max power.



Fats are essential to the body's normal processes, without it we would slope into a coma and die.

Fats need to be taken in in healthy doses so dont start taking fat out of everything just use common sense.



The body needs at elast 2+ litres of water a day to keep it hydrated, never supplement water with alcohol or fizzy drinks, juices or squashes instead.

Drink during workouts as it helps flush out all the toxins and lactic acids building up while you train.


Follow this and your half way there.

As for training what is your current routine?

Are you doing full body workouts or splits?


I would recomend a 3 day split.


Chest, shoulders, biceps

Legs, abs, lower back

Back, triceps


Something like that

3 exercises i recomend are Squats, Dips, Deadlifts. i ran out of time right now if you want more info just ask


Oh and for that bench press, work you triceps... HARD and with those 3 exercise i said before you bench will be up in no time.

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If you jog you will not be able to 'bulk' very fast as it burns the surplus calories. Need to make a choice-> put on muscle and some fat(faster, which you 'cut' after your happy with your gains) or put on muscle with no added fat (slower, but if you worried about the fat maybe do this)

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