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His friends say he's gay. He says he's bi, but his friends say he has only had the 1 female relationship which resulted in a child. I was/am very attracted to him, but he's gay they say so I have tried to distance myself. However it seems like he's turning up in places he'll know I'll be, which could be a coinsidence but I don't think it is. Now when I'm around he flirts a lot with very attractive women. Is he trying to get the message accross that he is bi, or playing me? I'm really not getting his game, and wondering if anyone here can help.

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Thanks. I just needed to hear others perspective on this. I do believe him, but his friends had said it more than once so I started to wonder if I was living in a fantasy or something. He looked me in the eyes when I left in addition to a few other things that have me believing the flirting was for my benefit (although it really was pissing me off to where I had my back to him most of the night). He said he was going to leave and I gave some kind of reaction (in my mind it was relief I'd be spared more antics) and he ended up STAYING!


Of course I know how I feel but I can only guess how he's feeling. My problem is I don't want to feel how I'm feeling. When I first met him I said I don't want to like to him, and there's a million reasons not to but I am still attracted to him and I've been trying to figure out why. Well I'm having fun for now.

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His friends say he's gay. He says he's bi, but his friends say he has only had the 1 female relationship which resulted in a child. I was/am very attracted to him, but he's gay they say so I have tried to distance myself. However it seems like he's turning up in places he'll know I'll be, which could be a coinsidence but I don't think it is. Now when I'm around he flirts a lot with very attractive women. Is he trying to get the message accross that he is bi, or playing me? I'm really not getting his game, and wondering if anyone here can help.


I don't know, but if it were me I would want to be around to hear, loud and clear, the words "I'm bi" coming out of his mouth...When he said he was bi, were you there?


I guess I'm kind of wondering too why you chose to distance yourself from him just because his friends said he's gay...Couldn't you feel him out yourself by developing a friendship with him first?


It's hard to say why he's showing up in the same places that you are...Flirting with other girls. It could be a coinsidence, or it could be that he's trying to get your attention. Maybe he wants you to take the next step. I think you should pursue this a little further...

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