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I have no problem with my boyfriend having a Instagram, or any social site. I do have a problem when my boyfriend gives his number out to females on those apps that he always manage to see that person face to face. My boyfriend always explains that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or whatever the case, but after seeing the females in person he goes on to instagram and give them his number. I know for a fact, the girls aren't coming to him and it's him talking to them first. He's also a really social person. It just bothers me cause he's always in a female's face and give his number out, but when I flip and freak out he makes me feel like the guilty one when all I ask is to be told about these people in advance. He lost my trust before due to past things, he didn't cheat but things he'll do and say I don't want another incident like that and I'm learned to trust him again, but should I be worried and speak to him again bout the situation, well of course if it bothers me I should, but you also don't wanna ask something to the person you love and get an answer you don't want. Just need to get light on how I should deal with this cause usually I'm always arguing and fighting.

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To be honest, he shouldn't be seeking out other women and getting their phone numbers when he's in a relationship with you...


It sounds pretty suspicious, and he should respect your feelings as you're obviously uncomfortable with it.


I think if you've already spoken to him about this, and you've got a gut instinct that something isn't right and he's just shrugging it off then I would walk away..

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It bothers me that this guy knows you have a problem with him soliciting women, yet he continues to do it.


I'm willing to bet $500 that he'd have a problem if you did the same.


Tell him that it bothers you & if he continues, let the chips fall where they may.


Sexual/dating relationships are like contracts to me.


So you are no longer obligated to abide by certain rules if they are violated by him, IMHO.

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