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She's bored and therefore checks if you post anything about the breakup. If you post a quote in the likes of "I miss you etc etc" she'll know it's about her, and she'll feel good about you missing her. If you post any song, or any picture she'll analyze it and try to relate it to herself. She'll become angry if you post things unarguably unrelated to her.

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I agree with crunchy do not post anything sad or that you miss her it will only boost her ego. Be confident and stay happy. Let her hit you up first shes the one that left you. Why are you chasing someone who let you go? Right now focus on you and improving yourself and if she happens to come back so be it be tread with caution.

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agreed with other posters on this one. she wants to see how you are taking the breakup. if she is done with you, then she will not look for further information about you. she might be doing this to protect her reputation just in case you do say something not very nice. you can post your feelings about her on paper instead of facebook. it is safer and more private that way.

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