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I love the age gap thing


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My boyfriend who I am falling more in love with everyday is 21 yrs. old. We mat at last year's pride parade here in the city we live in. H is gorgeous to say the least with all his god given traits and gifts. He is like a model in so many ways. He has the hottest brown eye's that sometimes burn all the way through me, a very hot body and is in perfect shape six pack included, and so many other hot features I could go on all day. Very importantly I should add is that he is close to being the most fabulous lover I have ever been with and trust me when I tell you that though I'm not extremely proud of how many guy's I've been with but I will say there has been adequate numbers, hey we only live once right. Anyway women even check him out when we are anywhere. Yes at first it bothered me some when anyone checked him out and was obvious in doing so but I've come to actually love it because I get to walk away with him arm in arm while they watch us fade into the distance. It may sound as though I'm maybe over doing it with how incredible he really is but it's true. He's like every girls or guy's dream. He is madly in love with me, we never have a bad time together, when we make love it is truly amazing, he tells me all the time how beautiful he thinks I am, compliments almost everything I do, wear, or say and I think I am deep in love with as well. Only thing is is that as I said in the beginning he is 21 year's old and I am 55. My fear is that after some time of being together that he may meet a guy closer to his age and leave me sitting all alone. I know there has to be thousands or more out there who is going through the same scenario as I am so please give me your take on this and any suggestions like what to do here. Do I continue to be in love with him and take that chance or no.

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I'm just a year older than you. Life is short. Enjoy your relationship. Just go in with your eyes wide open and accept that there is a big chance that this relationship is probably not going to be a life partnership.


Enjoy the time you have with him. No matter how long it lasts.

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Because the age gap here is very large (34 years) there is a very good chance this relationship will not last. You will continue to age and your physical ability is bound to decline over the next 10-20 years. You are also dating someone outside of your generation so there may be some 'cohort clashes' along the way. I would say if you do go into this relationship, go into it realizing this will not last forever. If you are wanting a long-term relationship I would look for someone closer to your age. Not saying young people are incapable of long-term relationships but he's young, and youthful and taking care of an older man in the future while he is so young will be a bit much.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly don't see this lasting. Not because of the age - but because you only mention his hot bod, his hotness, his model-like eyes and the sex ( did i forget to mention hotness??). This will be hot for a little bit, then fizzle. if you came on here talking about this nice guy who is level-headed, self-assured, worked through some of his baggage, is fair, his word is good, and is fairly sure what he wants in life and was also handsome as a bonus (and maybe you both at first were hesitant on age and putting yourself out there), then I could see maybe it could have some staying power. You are infatuated with this hot dude, like how people check him out. He is not at the age where he has himself totally figured out yet - few do at that age, but regardless, recognize it for what it is. Unless this relationship suddenly grows some substance, I just don't see it.

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  • 2 months later...

Enjoy the relationship. If he loves you, just let him. If you're worried he might leave you, it probably not going to be over your age. So don't give him a reason to. My boyfriend is 20 years older than me and he worries about what I will think of him as he ages. Love is unconditional. I love every new little wrinkle and every grey hair because they're his. He probably feels the same way about you, and if he does. He's not looking to replace you with a younger man.


Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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