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Hi All,


I am looking for some advice, essentially my question is. If someone is really bad at texting you, as in always a day late and often brief (1 word!) and inconsistent with kisses etc. how much can they be into you?


In my mind if you like, like someone you would want to talk to them. Some background, I met this girl on a friends leaving doo (not part of the group) and texted her, she has been rubbish at texting me back. I really wasn’t expecting it to go anywhere as result and yet we have had two dates now and they have gone really well. Like amazing, we have kissed, held hands and cuddled. Conversation is really good and I think she is deep but I want to plumb the depths and find more. She said she came to the first date because I had said I wanted to get to know her.


I guess I’m just trying to work out how much she likes me. If I went by the dates, amazing! But the time in-between gives me the impression she isn’t bothered. I just don’t want to be messed around or hurt. What should I do?


I really like this girl so far and want to get to know her but I am also waiting for it to end given my previous experiences, I am trying not to come over too keen because I have done and it always leads to failure and yet I want to talk to her . She is French so I wonder if that comes into it with language.



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It is also worth mentioning that both dates have resulted in us walking and talking for about an hour after. Not hurried, close, touching and kissing. With the end of the second date, her instigating the leaving kiss.


I'm all for courting but it is starting to feel like I am doing all the chasing and I don't want to be with someone like that either...urgh I hate dating.

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I agree with missmarple. If it's going to take a whole day for me to respond to someone's text (which has never happened before), I would definitely let that person know, once I've had a chance to respond, why it's taken so long for me to reply (and I would apologize). Although this is how I operate, this is definitely a subjective topic.


Plus, if someone is attempting to get to know me solely via text, and we're only exchanging one text a day (with one word replies), for instance, any interest on my part is going to burn-out fast.

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