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Is all hope lost with her?


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So I went on a second date with this girl that lasted all day. It was great and the next morning she texted me for our next date. She has been busy with work this week and I'm use to talking to her everyday now she barely talks to me so I felt like she was ignoring me and I probably texted her too much. Now I'm telling her we can just go as friends because We have known each other for three months and I don't wanna lose her friendship. She hasn't told me she isn't going on the date but she also hasn't sent me any texts for a couple of days and I texted her a couple of days ago. What do I do?

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Stop texting her. You need to learn to play it more cool. She had a great date and then you bombarded her with texts. Coming accross as a bit desperate which not many women find attractive.


The best way I found in dating is to only text a few times between each date. That way you have a chance to get excited about seeing eachother and you have more to talk about on the date as you haven't already texted about it.


Either that or she is dating a few people at once and has found someone else.

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Why did you even have to mention going out as friends?


She was the one who was open for a next date, obviously for a reason, dont create chaos out of nothing.


Lay back, dont send and wait to hear from her. No need to appear desperate.

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She texted me back saying she is having a hard time right now. Must be something going on in her personal life. It was just a weird adjustment because the week before she would message me first everyday and we'd talk from that point on. I'll give her space until the next date. (as I'm writing this she just sent me another text lol) but I wish I was better at this stuff I guess that's what this forum is for. should I talk to her about the worrying texts on the date or just forget about it and have a good time. My gut is telling me just to have a good time.

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You need to chill out. I tend to get really stressed if I don't receive a reply from the guy i'm seeing but i've learnt to just deal with it and understand that he is just a busy person. I always feel like I make excuses for him but at the end of the day I don't even feel like they're excuses anymore. Just be positive.

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You need to chill out. I tend to get really stressed if I don't receive a reply from the guy i'm seeing but i've learnt to just deal with it and understand that he is just a busy person. I always feel like I make excuses for him but at the end of the day I don't even feel like they're excuses anymore. Just be positive.


Idk what's wrong with me I don't normally act like this but she just didn't seem so happy so I started too worry. I just hope I haven't lost any value to her or whatever you wanna call it. I'm just gonna give her some space.

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