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Too early for Valentine's Day?


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There is a girl I'm intending to ask out and I figured Valentine's Day approaching makes now the ideal 'excuse'. I don't know her (but I know she's not got a boyfriend or husband and that she's looking for someone) so the Valentine's Day card I would send would be a 'secret admirer' kind of card, although I would give her some way of contacting me.


The question is, is now too early to get the card to her? I could wait until nearer February 14, but I don't want to run the risk of losing my chance by leaving it too late, so I figured if I send the card soon, there will hopefully be more chance.

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Hmm... I think it possibly could be too early... Maybe wait till the beginning of Febuary or a week before Valentine's Day?

If you give it her too early, by the time it reaches Valentine's Day she may have forgotten about your card because she's over-whelmed with others...

Or... if you do give it her earlier, she could contact you and you could arrange a date for Valentine's Day...

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I know what you're saying. Maybe it will be better for me to wait until early February. I mean, one more week hopefully won't make any difference to whether she's already met someone or not.


The only down side of leaving it a while longer is that if she did get in contact, it might be difficult to book a restaurant or get something else planned for Valentine's Day. But I'm not overly bothered about the day itself as it's just another day - it's her that I'm bothered about and getting to talk to her at any time would be great.

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Hey, I think that you should do it now, why wait if you said yourself that valentines day is only one day and you don't wanna risk the chance of getting to know her. Sometimes I think we should act on impulse, what do you have to lose?

IF you send her a secret admirer card then she can contact you, and you can make plans for valentines day if it works out in your favor. It doesn't have to be a valentines day card...Why wait tomorrow may just be too late.

Good Luck!!!

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I think I will make a move soon. My confidence is quite high at the moment, but starting general conversations about general things with people I've been attracted to has never resulted in anything more than making new acquaintances, so I think it's time for me to be more direct.

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There is a girl I'm intending to ask out and I figured Valentine's Day approaching makes now the ideal 'excuse'. I don't know her (but I know she's not got a boyfriend or husband and that she's looking for someone) so the Valentine's Day card I would send would be a 'secret admirer' kind of card, although I would give her some way of contacting me.


The question is, is now too early to get the card to her? I could wait until nearer February 14, but I don't want to run the risk of losing my chance by leaving it too late, so I figured if I send the card soon, there will hopefully be more chance.


I was thinking on the same path as Valntine's Day coming up and all. If she's looking for someone, use this opportunity wisely. I like your strategy of going ahead with making a move before Valentine's Day like now, but I wouldn't send a card quite yet. Guess what that means...yes, you are going to have to ask her out! I may sound crazy but:

1.) Getting a Valentine's Day card 2 1/2 weeks before is waaaaay too early. Heck, even a week before is too early. If you were to send it now, you would look desperate (when she discovers who you are).

2.) You may as well tell her it's you, since you are leaving a contact. She'll go through with the contact and then she'll discover it's you anyway. If she has a friend that also knows you and she reads the latter, she'll see your contact and she'll know it's youalmost like you signed the letter anyway.


If you ask her out, then (presuming she says yes), you've made your move AND you can give her the card right near V-Day. Also, if she doesn't "like" you, it will be an ill-fated attempt, not pretty (in your mind).


I think I will make a move soon. My confidence is quite high at the moment, but starting general conversations about general things with people I've been attracted to has never resulted in anything more than making new acquaintances, so I think it's time for me to be more direct.


Now that's the way it should be lol! You're also very similar to me regarding the conversations. Actually, you may be in te same situation as me based on this quote. I've also tried the "indirect" ways that sound good, but the girl always gets the wrong message, so good straighforward, but put your own touch on it so you don't sound like a robot.


I may sound a little brash and straight-forward in my advice, but remember, I'm trying to survive high school lol


Good luck! I'll like to see how this turns out!

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