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So I met this guy who I knew from a long time ago. He was one of my sisters good friends when we were is high school. Well he lives in Florida and I met up with him Last Friday. Well we hit it off really good talking about old times and he really seemed interested in talking to me. Well we went back to my apartment and talked and kissed and we did this all morning. He told me he's never met someone like me. Well this kid was talking some crazy stuff and he hasn't seen me in forever. He told me he would love for me to be his girlfriend and he even wanted to take me to florida with him. Anyway I dropped him off a block away from his house because he wanted to make a good impression with his parents so they won't think I was just some girl he took home. He had to go back to Florida that day to graduate from college and he told me he would call me when he got home. He was only supposed to be gone until yesterday but I haven't heard from him. I really like this kid and I don't know why he hasn't called. Whatz going on? Was he just trying to get some? or is he really interested?

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It seems kinda awkward he hasn't called you or gotten back to you if he said he would have..there is not enough information for me to make any clear suggestions or ideas but i will try..you 2 started talking about old days which means he still remembers you and that would relate to him having feelings for you...I'd say give him another day...I wouldn't know for sure though..maybe he did just want some. But if you really like him..give him some more time to call you..maybe he got sidetracked..or he is thinking of something to do for you..maybe instead of calling you he is driving back to you right now to surprise you?..You never know..just give it some time alright?


P.S.-Did he give you his number to call him?

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