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Back on online dating after a breakup, anyone else have these feelings?


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So this is a general theory question. I met someone on match and she was great, had so much in common, never fought, etc. However, it was somewhat bad timing for her and I was also the first relationship she had since becoming a mom. Being a single parent myself, I know the first one after becoming a parent is different than prior to being a parent and can cause you to question a lot of things and wonder if you should see what else is out there. Also having different priorities of parenthood makes feelings towards relationships different.


After we ended things I found she was back on match. I've dealt with that, it upset me at first, but not necessarily the point of this question. I myself recently got back on after a few weeks just to see if it would help and just found it to be annoying. It's common to check it, scroll through, look at other people, and so on but no desire to pursue right now, possibly because I still have strong feelings for the last girl or perhaps just burnt out after being on dating sites for years. It started to make me wonder how my ex and others feel once getting back on it.


Are these feelings normal to have or can anyone share their experiences with getting back on sites after breakups? Is getting back on them something we just commonly seem to do?

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Basically you are looking more for the ego boost as you are feeling down. Advice form me would be please get off them and spend time to heal and learn baout yourself and what you want. Set yourself some goals, new hobbies and friends.

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It's all relative. If this is the way you are feeling than it doesn't matter what any of us think. You still seem to have feelings for this girl, it's only been few weeks

and you find out she's back on line so soon (ouch)

yah. .I would say all that combined feels pretty crummy and would explain why you aren't really motivated to meet anyone as of yet.

Just be patient with yourself and give it some time. Lastly, honor your feelings. .because they are yours.

Do yourself and other a favor and don't date until you're ready.

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I think the point of my post has been mistaken by the first few responses. Obviously I'm not the only one to have met someone through online dating so just curious of other peoples thoughts about getting back on after a breakup

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