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Had a great first date


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Hi all. Since the breakup with my now ex fiancee a little over 6 months ago, I've gotten on a couple online dating apps and sites. Typical handful of somewhat interesting girls that didn't go anywhere, couple the weren't anything like their pictures, and 2 "let's be friends" texts.


I've been talking to this neat and quirky girl for over a week and we recently moved onto texting a few days ago. We met up last night (Sunday) halfway between our places at a neat bar she is fond of. I had to default to her suggestions as I am not very familiar with the area since I'm fairly new here. I didn't have any expectations other than for it to go the way of the previous dates I've been on.


When we met up and got a table it was just like we were still texting back and forth. The conversation was engaging, it was fun for both parties, and I could tell she was having as much fun as I was. Since it was fairly late, the place started to close early. She asked me how we should split the bill and I told her don't worry about it because I'm kind of old fashioned like that. Apparently that surprised her because she told me that's the first time that's happened for the past 5 or 6 dates she's been on. Also, I let her keep the leftover food (we split an appetizer because I wasn't all that hungry). She gathered up her stuff and I carried the food and we went next door to another neat bar place and sat out back on the beach by ourselves and kept the conversation and fun going. It wasn't all fun and light conversation, we actually told stories and got a little history on each other too which was still very interesting and fun getting to know each other a bit.


This place was slow as well so they decided to close early too. Again, I paid our tab, which blew her away again. I carried the food and we talked as I walked her to her car. At the car we kept talking a bit and she mentioned she would like to see me again. It was kind of funny because she was acting a bit bashful and blushing a little. We discussed foods we like and whatnot and settled on a Korean place near her house (30 min. drive for me) sometime this week or this weekend depending on her busy work schedule. She then asked if I was going to hug her or what so we embrace and it was a good hug lol. I don't know how to describe it. We chatted a bit more, she was still acting a bit bashful and she told me not to wait the "typical 2 or 3 days" to talk to her again. We hugged again, and I wanted to maybe kiss her, or at least her cheek but refrained because it was the first date and all.


Texted her a little today. We both were at work so while the convo was a bit short and sometimes slow on both accounts, it was still continuing and good.


I'm excited. I can't help it. I want to see her again but I don't want to come off pushy or anything. My plan is to continue as it's been and feel her out for availability on the next date.


Caveat: I work M-F, 9-5 but she works 60 + hours a week at a job she can't really just not show up for. I get that, but I have a lot of down time.


Any opinions or suggestions are more than welcome!

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Quickest piece of advice after reading through once: DON'T OVER THINK THIS! Glad all is well, but keep being yourself and dont try to make everything "perfect". However, it doesn't hurt to have a little restraint when it comes to texting and such.


If you text her and she is working, wait until she is off and able to unwind. This hopefully gives her something to look forward to, rather than annoying the crap out of her. It is okay to show enthusiasm, but distribute it appropriately over time.


Sounds like you have a good thing going anyhow, and this is more general advice to keep things steady in the beginning. Good luck!

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Thats exactly what I've been trying to do. Today for example we texted all day long, but there were times when we both were busy and couldn't respond right away. I get it. I haven't sent her a text since I got off work but I'll send one sometime tomorrow. The only thing, which isn't a huge deal, but I can see she's been online on the app but hasn't sent me a text.

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I think it's still way too early to expect much out of in-between dates time. Focus on making the times you are actually in person count, because in the long run that is what matters most anyway. And man, congrats on a great date! Even if it doesn't go too much further than that, those can be rare lol.

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The only thing, which isn't a huge deal, but I can see she's been online on the app but hasn't sent me a text.


This is how things start to go wrong. Relax. Don't assume. Don't try to read her mind. Don't stalk her online behavior. She's interested, that's what you focus on. The online stuff is just useless noise.

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Yeah. You're right. We texted pretty much all day and found out I totally could have stolen a kiss or two and she does seem to dig me. Lol just my luck. Only thing that sucks is i work a 9-5 job and she works nights and some weekends, and often on call when she is off at a pretty important job. Trying to work out plans is kind of tough. I kind of adhere to the mantra of "if they want to see you then they will make time". I'm probably reading way too much into it.

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Quick update: Since our date on April 27, we've text every day since then pretty much. All positive and anticipating the next date. On May 4, a quick text exchange then she tells me she just met someone. Awesome.

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