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Fake Orgasms - Can you tell?


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I think experienced men generally know when an orgasm is faked. Usually the tell tale signs are no spasms within the vagina, no flushing of the skin around the neck and accross the chest area, little or no sensitivity to touch after the orgasm, very quick recovery.


I always find a lot of noise before a climax is reached can be a tell tale sign. (I am not saying all women) but all that I have been with have required fairly intense concentration in the 5 - 15 seconds leading up to the orgasm. they will usually go pretty quiet in this stage. Fakers tend to just holler and make lots of noise the whole way through.


Also after orgasm women tend to get a look on their face. It is very serene and with a slight glaze and smokiness to the eyes. I've always thought that this is where the term bedroom eyes came from.


What do you think can you tell? Girls do you get away with it?

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Someone once asked me " are you ok?" because I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds ...truth is, I was recovering.


I don't think I ever had to fake one.. either I do or I don't ... why fake it? If he didn't get me there I want him to KNOW...I ain't gonna pretend that he did when he didn't ...so maybe next time he'll try harder

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My experiance...They usually are very quite when things are not running in parallel with your sexuall feeling. If they are moaning for no reason I guss it is hard to tell of the fakeness. That means they just want you to take care of your business and get off them. I personally like when a women comes twice and on the second one we come togther. I was able to do that in several times.




Good topic.....any married people want to comment

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i used to be real good at faking it. don't really know why they believed me, but they did,lol. this one guy i was with really stunk at it and he would take FOREVER so i would usually start scratching his back and acting like he was doing good. He fell for it, 'cause afterward he would talk about how good he is at it. yeah right

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hHmm.. yeah.. i nvr fake it tOo.. wanna let my bf know that i am really enjoying it.. thats true.. when ger reach orgasm.. thEy caNt produce sound.. is the period where recovering.. becOs.. after reaching climax, the whole body feel weak..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never faked an orgasm, not to say that I've come every time... but I just don't fake it if it's not happening. In the past when that has happened, I think it's better cuz then my guy knew that he didn't really do it for me, and he'd go down on me, or he'd try something different... I don't see a point in faking... it's an unnecessary ego boost for guys that can't pleasure us

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I don't think a guy can tell when a woman is faking. It's just as easy to "go quiet" as it is to make a lot of noise, and to be honest, a lot of women don't scream and groan anyway, but they might be having orgasms. I never flush around my neck and chest, and even when I blush normally you can't tell, although I have fair skin. And as far as spasms go...I can recreate them without having an orgasm. I had a boyfriend test both times... orgasm and faking. He couldn't tell the difference. As far as it being really wet down there...that doesn't mean anything. It could be a guy's precum, a woman's arousal, sweat, urine, whatever.


When I was younger I would fake orgasms, but now I don't. I just tell them that I don't have orgasms during sex. I think my clit or g-spot are too high up, because I can have an orgasm during masturbation in 20 seconds if I'm really turned on, but never during sex.

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don't really know why they believed me, but they did,lol


Because for some guys, it's easier to just believe that they did well than to admit that they may not be doing such a great job. Some probably don't even care.


I have faked, not very much though, because it's not really productive, but when my man has done a great job, and maybe I'm just not in the right mood, I want to reward him by letting him know he's done a great job. Because even when that happens, I really enjoy having sex with him and couldn't care less that I didn't orgasm, but he's put in alot of effort and I want him to feel good about it.


I think that an orgasm is fairly easy to recreate and can be very believable most times...

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I've only ever faked once with my boyfriend (and am hoping that he's not reading this). I just wasn't into it, but I could really tell that he was. Almost every other time, I will just say, "it's not happening tonight" (because sometimes I just can't even if I want to). I didn't want to spoil his enjoyment, because I can tell that he gets somewhat disappointed when I can't reach orgasm.


I am not the type to fake though. If I am not 'into it' and can't get there, I will just tell him right away: "come whenever you want, 'cause it's not happening", lol. Sex is about more than the orgasm anyhow, and sometimes I could care less if I have one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i used to be real good at faking it. this one guy i was with really stunk at it and he would take FOREVER so i would usually start scratching his back and acting like he was doing good. He fell for it, 'cause afterward he would talk about how good he is at it. yeah right

I used to do the same thing and it worked. I couldn't believe he actually fell for that. He used to go for over an hour and I'd be tired so I'd try to do anything to make him feel like he was the best.


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