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How can I masturbate more effectively?

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Stop masturbating. Or at least do it rarely.


Im serious. I have read studies on how it increases your testostarone, making you more active and increasing effects of workouts.


Other then that, get some "sexual partners"


even if it DID increase testosterone (which i dont think it DOES) but never the less, why the hell would someone stop? especially if it had positive effects like that....im confused.




dude, go about 'handling your business' its natural, screw the statistics. people try to find the good & bad to everything in the world. can we AT LEAST be able to masterbate in peace damnit...





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wat do guyz think of when there masterbatin?


Mainly members of the opposite sex (sometimes same sex,depending)



as for the masturbation thing...

WHy stop? there is NO side effects, Well unless you say feeling better about yourself is a side effect

i mean, its a natural thing to do. most men do it, to get the most out of it. just think about sexual thoughs not things like social/work issues.



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