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Desperate student


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I am a student that wants to improve a few areas in school (math(I know math on 10 point scale 6.5/10) and my countries native language(well I want to improve my grammar because its kinda poor). I read a few interesting books ( psycho-cybernetics Maxwell Maltz, think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill and what to say when you talk to yourself ) I've got a few good ideas from those books, positive thinking, having a vizualization of already achieving my goal, stopping to discourage myself from taking action (from saying i can't to i can), thanks to those books I took action and things changed a little to the bright side, but now I stumbled at brick wall, 3 months passed I don't see much changes and furthermore I don't have a plan, also I find it difficult to make a plan because my life is quite dynamic and I want to improve a few areas in school(but I am mostly concentrating on math). Also another tactic/strategy I am trying is to make a habit of consistently study everyday but still I feel something is missing or I am doing something wrong, that's why I am writing here for advice.

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Most schools have tutors who are available at low cost or no cost. If you have a particular subject you have difficulty with, a math or english tutor can help (and it is very common for people to struggle with math and language so there are lots of tutors available).


A personal tutor will look at the areas you are having trouble with and provide strategies to get past them.

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