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EX initiated contact after 6 months?


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True love never dies, it is only abandoned. And it can always be recovered. No games, he already knows what life is like without you, obvs, because you have been in NC for months. So u don't have to ignore him just to stick it to him. If you still care for him, allow him to make his attempts to reach out and proceed in the direction you would like to go. Everyone is different, just because he hasn't said "I want you back" doesn't mean he doesn't. And he may never out right say it. Remember, the male pride and ego are a scary and powerful thing. Also, Someone reaching out to test the waters isn't always just "breadcrumbs". Reaching out is reaching out no matter what fashion is comes in, so take it for what it is. Just take everything one day at a time but be cautious. Best wishes.

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Thank you. He is being very nice in his attempts to reach out. He has complimented me a few times even. I am not planning on ignoring him at all. That's just silly. I'm not initiating any contact quite yet bc it's all still so new and he's doing everything so far (albeit only once or twice a week). It's definitely not the stereotypical breadcrumbs. He's not just like "what are you doing?" In fact, he never asked that. Last time we spoke was on Thursday and it was bc our favorite show was on. He started the convo with "only 40 more minutes until it's on!" Yeah I don't expect him to say that. What I'd expect if he WERE to want to make it serious again is a "hey, what would you think about trying to date again?" or something to that affect. It's still so soon! I think he's just trying to see how he feels about talking to me again and gauge if I've really grown up and changed like he's heard from others. I'm just asking for advice bc I don't want to get over-eager an screw things up lol

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That's why I'm on a random site looking for answers. Lol I think so much & can't make up my mind! INTJ's do that. Try to figure out EVERYTHING logically but are usually too nervous to make a decision. ENTJs are more action-oriented. I also have a highly developed (Fe) so my emotions battle my logical ha ha. There is a hidden meaning. Reverse the spelling backwards & you shall see


Also. INTJs are notoriously not needy, but I struggled with depression, especially after my little brother moved away & my grandfather died. And bc ENTJs need more freedom than other types, it was too much for him to bear at the time.



I have always been an INTJ until i broke out of my shell some years ago and have become an ENTJ.

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