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Looking at a job that is out of state, so many questions not sure how to answer.


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Hey everyone!


From time to time I like to look at what equine based jobs are out there. Three days ago I found a job that is in Maryland (I live in Maine). The job is being pretty much a book keeper for this really nice, well established breeding barn. It has been around since 1991 and does breeding, boarding, lessons, clinics, etc. The job description is such:


Full-time position for Administrative Assistant & Event Coordinator. The ideal candidate will combine excellent computer & organizational skills with an outgoing, diplomatic manner and a strong equine background. Proficiency in Microsoft Office required. Duties include horse health record keeping, basic accounting, and event management. This person will also be the key administrative support for trainers, including lesson scheduling, clinic management, and show entries. Must be positive, hardworking, & reliable. Salary plus health insurance, vacation/sick leave, and the potential for housing if needed


This is all I can think about the last three days. It sounds like such a great oppertunity. I would apply in a heart beat but just uncertainties are keeping me from applying and I'm not sure how to answer my questions.


What is the community like there? How expensive is it to live there? Things like that. I know it's a huge move but I have always wanted to live out of the state of Maine and I would love to at least apply to see what happens.


What would be your best advice if you were in this situation? How do I find out more information about the area?

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Google.the organization, Google the area...and then read about quality of life, what is around. If you like what you find, call the.place and ask for a few minutes of someone's time. Be.prepared with a list of questions. Keep it to 10 minutes and decide if you want to submit a resume.

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Why not just apply?


If you get an interview, then you can research the community and all that. Even if you get an offer, you don't need to accept it if you feel the location isn't a good fit. Just see what happens, don't get too far ahead of yourself. No point worrying about if you'll like it up there if you haven't got an offer yet.

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You can Google a search under "cost of living difference between city A city B" and you should get some good hits on that. I've also searched "average house cost city A" and then the same search using city B. I've also searched for the same car in both cities, etc


I've seen people place social ads on Craigslist asking about hobbies, nightlife, family life, and neighborhoods during a relocation. Craigslist being what it is, you might try searching social sites in the new town, such as Meet In and Meet Up. You can also call stores that specialize in your hobbies - they can be a wealth of information.

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Don't put the cart a mile before the horse. First apply and see if you even get an interview, let alone a job offer. Then you can figure out the rest.

Google is your friend, but so is the horse world. Ask around if anyone has heard of the place and what it's like or how it's run. Chances are pretty good someone has shown/been/bought a horse from them, etc. and can give you some insight.

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