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Girl i like hesitant for relationship


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Hi, I'm in a bit of a prediciment and I just want someones input. So, I started working at this new place while in school, I'm 20 and in college. And there is this girl I really get along with well. We both like eachother, we hang out and I talk to her quite a bit. Only problem is, she is gonna be leaving for college soon, she's going to a college about 2 hours away. Now, when I first asked her for her number she told me she didn't want to get too close to anyone, so I just said okay, but she gave me her number after I had already quit trying to get it. Now I'm thinkin though, that maybe I shouldn't get too close to her. She's 18 and gonna be leaving. What do you think" Should I still try to make her my girlfriend" I really like her, we have a lot in common and get along well. She's the only girl I've been able to talk to for longer than 10 minutes without getting bored, and the only girl I've genuinely liked in a long time. The poeple we work with said it was so obvious she liked me and they all think we go out cause he hang out quite a bit. She even said once when we were hangimg out that we were "talking" and is flirty over text with the things she says and in person. Like if put some of the things she says you would think she likes me. But we were just texting last night and she claims she doesn't remember saying that we were "talking". We even went to the movies and grabbed food the day after that conversation, but says she doesn't want to date anyone until she goes to college because guys are more mature then... what do i do? I still like her, should i talk to her when we hang out? This is a huge, huge, bummer. Is there anything I can do to convince her? I'm positive she likes me too. I don't know what to do. Sorry for the long question, but i really like this girl and I'm lost..

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Now, when I first asked her for her number she told me she didn't want to get too close to anyone, so I just said okay, but she gave me her number after I had already quit trying to get it.


Doesn't matter. If you make a girl attracted enough to you, she'll want you regardless of what she says. Attraction isn't a choice.


says she doesn't want to date anyone until she goes to college because guys are more mature then...


Excuses. Girls go on feeling. She can say that, but when a girls likes a guy all bets are off. She'll do anything to be around him (lie, make excuses to talk, touch you etc). Girls would always say they don't date short guys, yet many girls I've dated ended up my gf/had sex with me though they are much much taller than me lol. Even still, they say they want "X" guy and end up with "Z" guy instead.


Never try to convince a girl to like you. Doesn't seem like she would agree to be your gf either. At any rate, maintaining a long distance relationship would be tough. Still young, so just keep exploring your options. As great as she may seem, there is someone out there much better. The most you can do is "test" how much she likes you by saying you think one of her friends is cute (doesn't hurt to give her friend a compliment right? Doesn't mean anything) If she gets a bit jealous, she likes you. If not, then not so into you. Also, you're older than her so she should be trying to tie you down.


She's just "being nice" rather than saying "No, I don't want to date you."

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