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Alright i went out with some old friends and i told my lady friend to invite one of our former high school classmates out that is newly single...well we all got buzzed up and had a good night and me and the chick flirted a little too! Well the next day i get a random text from her about the night before that(it was mean spirited about someone that was at the bar but we made light of it)....i made her laugh alot the night before and also in the text. But the thing is...i didn't give her my number and we are friends on facebook...she could have just inboxed me but went out of her way to find my number and text me instead...do you think she wants me to have her number? I believe that just because the way she went about it....thoughts?

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Im not going to pursue it so to speak...i think we have alot in common(especially a crude sense of humor but like i said i believe she went out of her way to text me (got my number from our mutual friend) when she could have just facebook messaged me


Ever heard your mother say, "Don't touch the stove it's hot. You'll get burnt?" Apply this metaphor to your situation. If you are attached to another there is no need to explore other options.

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Maybe she used to text as a way of joining the social circle. She likely got your number from your lady friend? Think nothing of it, treat her like a fun acquaintance. Give primacy to your lady friend, not because you are exclusive or anything, but because she was the friend who invited the other friend.

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There was no nature...high school classmate is all really(graduated over 10 years ago )...i asked my best girlfriend to invite her out since i saw on fb she is newly single and i planned on hitting on her and laughing all night (mission accomplished)....i didn't give her my number at the end of the night because im not going to get all weird on her...but alas she seeked out my number most likely from my best lady friend when ultimately she could have just fb messaged me instead....that's why I think shes interested...

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See thats kinda what i was thinking...she seeked out my cell number and texted me to give me because a midget was following her around at the bar because of me haha!! So she gave me crap and we both joked with crude humor about it...i found a meme that said," we should go to a midget festival and dress up as godzilla" she rolled with laughter, said we're going to hell and that we'd have a lovely time!

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Sounds like to me she interested and you could easily arrange to meet and have a sexual relationship with this girl, she is chasing you which is always a good sign she wants the D


What he said, also i think people were confused because you said 'lady friend', instead of just friend, so maybe there was an implication of you being more than friends.

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