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i need advice from guys

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theres this girl we met in a school football game asking me where i got my shirt from that day on she sed hello and smiled at me and sometimes hugged me and that football game wuz a month and a couple weeks ago and she still sez hello duz this mean anything and i mean everyday she sez hello EVERY

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jus go and start a conversation, only then u can knw if theres nethin..maybe she likes u..do u like her? if u do jus start taking, ask her if she wants to meet up fo coffee or somethin and if she says yes..then thats a startin sign 4sure...



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well i wouldnt jump to conclusions but it does seem as if she would be interested in getting to know you, (who knows what that can turn into in the future) so look just next time you see her, just start up a conversation and then maybe if you want ask if it would be ok if you can get her number that way you can have more then jus a "hi bye" friendship

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