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Four Year relationship, should we get back together?


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My ex girlfriend and I dated for six years. We started dating in high school and have dated through most of college. She was my first, I knew I wanted to date her the first time I saw her, I actively pursued her for over a year before I finally got the courage (even though I knew she was obsessed with me) to ask her to be official. we have dated for six years and she broke up with me, moral of the story is she did not trust me for reasons i think are unwarranted however she is adamant. it has been a few months and we seeing each other again. she misses me and is regretting her decision, she wishes she never broke up with me and feels she lost a part of herself etc since she did. i feel like if we got back together things would work out even if we are taking very different paths in life (i want to travel, start my own business, live abroad after i graduate, etc.) we have a perfect relationship to look forward to, we have similar ideals, we want to have a big family, want to travel, etc. we get along really well and i feel comfortable telling her things


my issue is that we have changed a lot since being apart, or at least i think we have unless i put blinders over this the entire time and ignored that she is quite materialistic, cares very much about celebrities and image. i am struggling with if i should get back together with her. i am worried she has changed a lot and i might have just fallen in love with the idea of her instead of her. i am also worried that i am so confused by this situation that i am questioning and over analyzing everything because she has hurt me so much. i have started questioning every relationship in life (could i date anyone? i have had people care about me deeply before and never pursued because i have a girlfriend, what makes her any different from anyone else? etc) i dont know if any of these things are true or i am just questioning them because i am so confused about everything and life itself (we dated for four years she is literally my entire adult life) i have so much thought about it and so much confusion, i dont exactly know what i am expecting out of this forum i would just like clarity and help understanding this situation

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  • 4 weeks later...

You won't know until you try, but I think you need to take things slow. Get to know her again while keeping your distance. Don't immediately jump into bf/gf status because what's the point if you're full of all this uncertainty?


She broke up with you because she didn't trust you. Whether or not the reasons are legitimate to you, they were to her. A relationship won't work without trust. Can she trust you now? You need to find that out.

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