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Spells and Telepathy etc...

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I'm doing some research on spells vs telepathy. Does anyone here know of a successful story involving either or both? Like, a spell of some kind and it worked? Or telepathy dreaming what's that involve? I'm interested to know a different kind of world and a different approach to seeing things... Thanks heaps

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If you're thinking about using spells and telepathy to make a guy fall in love with you, or to bring an ex back, stop right now, because there is no such thing!

This is coming from me, a person who's been there (and is ashamed to admit it publicly, but hey, I've learnt from it enough to know it's all bull).

Like you, I searched and searched, actually - don't laugh! - I even paid for an online spell!!! Nothing bad, just one of those reunite lovers spell lol...luckily it wasn't too expensive at the time, just $25 if I recall.


I also tried some at home remedies - I may still have candles around the house, cause I had to buy so many, they lasted me for years! I still feel stupid every time I stumble upon one lol.


Yep...nothing worked. Actually, after one of these "spells", my ex, who was still sort of talking to me when I started the spell, went away for good! Of course it was just a coincidence, there is no such thing as spells, or a higher power that can make your wishes come true...as much as we'd like it to be true.


I also used to have a friend heavily involved into this stuff (I guess that's where I got my ideas), and she used to put spells on people to break up - none of them did, and she never got the guys she wanted.


Tl;dr: no such thing as spells.

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Thanks greta96 and I'm so sorry that you went through the trouble... i appreciate you sharing your story with me. I guess you really can't feel stupid or guilty because when you're heartbroken all you want is for the hurt to go away and at the time you think the only way to feel good again is to have your ex back. We all go through phases in life where we're more confused about who we are and start doing things that don't make sense to a monkey then laugh at ourselves months or years later and feel stupid about what we've done. But no need to feel that way. If 'AT THE TIME' it made you feel good and like you're getting what you want then $25 isn't bad think of it like a service, like you paid $25 to meet Santa Claus and were so hopeful to see the real santa but all you got to see is a man in a santa suit... Oh well, then move on.


But I don't think that's what I want to do. Otherwise, I will never have the satisfaction or belief that 'he' wants me out of will and I will always feel like I've forced him to be with me when i can actually have a genuine relationship with someone who actually wants and is excited to be with me. I don't see how that's gonna happen but no broken heart feels different to this. When the heart heals love will find a way to it. I don't know when or where or how but the mystery gives me hope that there's someone even at my age almost 33! I am beautiful and intelligent though bit reserved I know life will find a true love for me. And everything I've said here goes for you too...


The initial reason for me asking about spells and telepathy was for me to write about the topics but then I have to admit myself (though I'm bit ashamed) that I started thinking of doing some spells etc... to make someone think of me/ dream of me and mainly do a spell for him to just call me and it's all BULL like you said. I even bought a candle but thank you for your post cos now I won't go out and purchase incense and other crap and think that I'm doing something wrong. I'm sure there are people who are gifted like that but they have very high IQ and very rarely available so EVERYTHING on the internet is a BIG FAT LIE! Only few people in the world are able to and they're mainly from eastern cultures. Thank you once again.

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Well, I think if spells worked and psychics were the answer there would be no need for this forum, marriage counseling or couples breaking apart when one partner doesn't want to since there'd be a psychic or spellcaster on every corner making seriously good money. Don't you?


Yes, I dabbled in both when I was younger. Spells are about casting energy towards something. Cast good energy and you get good back. Cast selfish or negative energy and you get that back three-fold on you. And I always found love spells or "win them back" spells to be especially egregious, because it's the laziest form of trying to break another's free will there is. Not to mention the whole "not gonna work" because again there's that free will thing that we human beings so insist on having.


As to psychics, don't bother. My grandmother was the genuine article there and she was very quick to point out that psychic talents are a very inexact thing, that too often it's all about interpreting one's dreams or feelings which can be colored or wrong, and that anyone who stands there and tells you they are positive it is this and that and other thing and you need to do X, Y and Z is a fake. Because simply put, no psychic is that good. The movie The Gift is a prime example of that. Cate Blanchett's character can see dead people, do some loose predictions, and yet runs around the entire movie with the killer right there and never sees it until they try to kill her.


My grandmother would have pointed to that movie and said, "You see, there's what this is really all about." She always called her gift a bit of a useless parlor trick and got quite irritated with people who would demand she perform as if she were a trained monkey.


Besides anyone making predictions is going to be right at least 50 percent of the time. You are far better off to examine both the other person's behaviors and any red flags as well as your own in being able to predict whether something will work out or whether it even should. Case in point every time I fell in love with the wrong person or someone with giant red flags I knew it, almost from the start. I just ignored, excused away, refused to accept what was there in front of my face and the other person too for that matter. You could say I was psychic about it all or you could say I just knew if they were texting another woman that no, I was not going to have a happy relationship with that person. Self-deception is one of our greatest talents and worst enemies, but unfortunately it allows one to hope and believe that things like magic and changing the outcome of events you already know deep down won't happen.


Sorry, but no. I was told in no uncertain terms once by a very expensive, top of the line psychic when I was younger that the man I thought i loved at the time would reform and be faithful, that we'd have three children together, all girls, and that I would have a career in fashion. Nothing was further from the truth--oh okay, one fact was. I did have three kids--all boys. So much for this wonderful psychic I paid $300 to. Pfft, I could've used that money and gone shopping or purchased dance lessons where i would've potentially met some new friends, possibly a guy or two, and had fun. Don't waste your time.

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Rihanna you have been in a very bad place on here darling and if you have reached that point of desperation and will try anything , then I must stop you if I can .


I have had stuff go on all of my life ..I have known stuff is going to happen , I feel peoples emotions and energy ..but to be honest if anyone just silenced their minds they too would feel others emotions and energy ..its called intuition . I see things , street lights go out when I walk under , I see orbs with the naked eye , I can see things in photographs ..the list is endless really ...and right now I could easily get my tarot cards or angel cards and do you a reading ...I could even take a picture of myself doing it ..then I could sit here and write a right load of crap ..I could tell you everything you want to hear .. And this is what can happen ... and it's wrong .


Heartbreak is shocking ....there is no doubt about it ..the physical and mental health implications that come with a broken heart are very very real ..and it is at times like this when people need to have something to believe in , because inside they are dying ..it's very real ..and yes I believe in spirituality and a real reading can fill you with hope ..not hope for the ex coming back ..but hope for life ..and many people want that lift . Predictions are very real .....and then again ... you have to understand that any good reader will tell you that you can change the course of your own path ..and a reading is about spiritual guidance , about inner peace , about rejoicing life and believing the universe puts things on our path for a reason .


stay away always from spell casters ....


FREE WILL ......


The universe does not function on any level by trickery and deceit , by removing anothers free will ....and it will come back on you 10 fold .


Give the law of attraction a read ..it will inspire you , it will show you how easily we can change our lives around with positivity , it will enhance your apprection of what the universe gives us , it will teach you how we get what we put out .

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