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So pissed today..


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I'm in such a bad mood today..


Been broken off from my girl for like 2 weeks.


Was no contact for two days and a half, then she tries talking to me. casual ...

So I talk to her for a while, then boom. she doesn't reply to me for hours in a middle of convo with no indication.

I ask her if everything is ok, because she seems down a lot lately, plus she keeps initiating conversations yet doesn't pick up the slack of the conversations, so it's making me feel silly to keep them going.


No response, that was yesterday ..

Now she isn't responding all day today as well. Like seriously, takes 1 minute to pick up the phone and txt.

She doesn't even give me a stupid indication of where the hell we are in our relationship, am i friend, are we "it's complicated"?, are we aquiantences? Do i freaking give you space, are we working things out? Nada. Just emptyness of silence.



Why do people initiate talks just to give off silence and ignore??? It's got me so moody today because I chose to get off no contact hoping it would lead to something, even if it was just being friends or figuring out where we stand or some ..


Thinking about going on no contact again, I'm tired of stupid casual talks and not knowing where I stand and acting like I don't give a damn when I do.. Why can't people just communicate like adults??? seriously.. Just say yo, i need space.. Is it really that freaking hard.. Or how about, yo it's complicated for me I'm not sure what I want.. Say something dammit.. Feeling tugged on and pushed over..

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You know, thing's are not always that simple mhowe. I've been a lurker for a while, remember your situation with your ex years ago? If you guys never came back in contact, would you have worked things out? Think about it.


Also i'm not the one initiating contact mhowe, she isn't just a casual person to me either, ive known her for more than half my life. All I like is indication, do you really believe pure silence is always the best answer? Hell I would love to actually know where things stand. If people actually maybe said where they stand instead of making it a roller coaster act of confusion, perhaps people would be able to solve issues like how relationships -were- in the past. How about ur best friends, have you ever had a fight with a best friend? did you go silent forever just because him/her is mad at you? Same thing if you care about them in that regard too.

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Don't give her power over you (even if she's being innocent about it and not trying to play with you). Don't contact her, and ignore her if she contacts you.


Maybe one day in the future, you can be cordial, friendly, and not feel all pissed off and bent out of shape after contacting one another. Now is not that time yet.

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Don't give her power over you (even if she's being innocent about it and not trying to play with you). Don't contact her, and ignore her if she contacts you.


Maybe one day in the future, you can be cordial, friendly, and not feel all pissed off and bent out of shape after contacting one another. Now is not that time yet.


Yeah, felt like I should have just ignored her to begin with. I haven't been the initiator of contact in a long time. Personally I think she is playing games, just don't understand why. Perhaps I won't for a long time.

The fact I'm really pissed today, maybe be an indicator I need more space as well..

I'm just not a fan of passive aggressiveness, as I can't read minds, and makes me confused where I stand.

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Its up to You to decide if You still want interaction with her knowing That shes an ex.


My take on This Is That ex are the past. If we broke up There was a reason and such no reason to keep texting or mailing.

Sometimes I do wonder if this is the best case scenario, but she has always been super important to me, In most cases I would be completely done with them (all my other exs I never looked back)

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her current actions seem to indicate that she wants to keep it casual and only when it's convenient for her. don't let it ruin your day, you be the one to stop responding. you know she has seen the texts, she will respond whenever she feels like it. if i were you i would just drop it and leave her be. give her all the space and silence she needs - especially since it is destroying your peace of mind.

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