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ok...well, my bf of 4 years broke up with me in october and started dating another girl RIGHT AWAY. We kept talking for a few weeks sfter the break up. But then one night we had a really big fight and I told him i never wanted to talk to him again. So I decided never to call him again..started dating some other guys and went through the greiving process..which i am still doing somewhat. Then all of a sudden out of the blue he calls tonight. The first time he called i did not answer. The he called right back 10 mins later and i answered. He was asking me if I was dating anyone..about school.. and telling me that he was still dating that same girl but that she is going away to school in Feb. he also told me about some things he was doing that were way out of character for him like getting piercings and stuff...but anyway it just seemed weird that he would call b/c he is just so arrogant and he is not the type to just give a friendly "see how you are call". What is he doing? Missing me? Keeping his options open for when she goes to school in case they don't work out or what?

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Sounds to me like this was not an "i miss you" call. Coulda been. Sounds like he wanted to know what was goin on in your life - could be keeping his options open.


I'm guilty of doing this to my ex boyfriends. Mainly its because I'm curious to what they are up to and kinda wanna hear whats going on in their life - but NEVER cuz I want to initiate getting back together. Don't read too much into it. Stay strong - if he really wants to get back together don't give in right away - make sure hes doing it cuz he LIKES you and not just cuz he wants to BE with SOMEONE.

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I take it as a I am missing you... and as a I am gonna make you wonder about me by saying "Oh I am getting piercings."


I think he wants to try and spark some interest from you. I don't know if it is because he wants you back.. I think it is prolly not a friendly hello, but more of a plan of attack... I suppose.



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It seems as if he misses you somewhat since you guys haven't talked in a while before this phone call. However, be careful! It MIGHT be that he's keeping his options open for when this girl isn't around anymore. Make sure that if he does want to get back together, he proves that he likes you... and you're not just someone he'll settle for.

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