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Well well


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You may have seen me in the healing after break up forums in the past, but it seems i have graduated here, to asking out for a date. By total chance i met a girl at the gas station (who was pretty cute) and we had a really good 5 minute conversation. She gave me her number and all that (it felt really good. I guess it reminded me i AM a socially attractive guy) so now i have to call her! Im defaintely excited about it. Am i suppose to set up a date next when i call or just talk with her on the phone? I suddenly realized that ive never gone on a date with someone that i didnt really know like this Ive always dated people who id been friends with before.. So i guess im not to sure. My plan is just call her and see whats up. I figure if im chill with it it will all work out.


So i guess the point of this post is 2 fold.


For 1, im really excited to have another girl show interest in me, it definitely feels good.


For 2, i dont really know what to do about it!!

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I would just start by calling her number and reminding her who you are and where you met and that she gave her your number and just see how she's doing and get to know her a little better over the phone.


If things seem cool still then maybe you might want to ask her out for coffee or something just friendly like... walk the mall, do something she likes to do for a few hours... but just as friends.


Then after that first friendly outting (or a few first friendly outtings) see if she wants lunch... and then after lunch... see if she might want to catch dinner or a movie.


Get the sequence? hehe


Kudo's on graduating to dating again, man! Rock on!

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Wish i could meet gorgeous women at gas stations


Just remind her who you are, I'd jump straight in, be forward and ask for an actual date- cos thats what you're after right? not necessarily dinner and movie as that can take alot of time, but whatever's convenient for her.


If it was me i'd suggest a meal somewhere, and keep the phone conversation to a minimum (keep the conversation to the actual date).


Good luck man!

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The gas station is definitely where its at.


So i guess it seems split, and my friends are split too. Some tell me to just talk to her for a while on the phone and some tell me to ask her out on a date. Really the only reason i dont want to ask her out on a date is cause i dont really know what to do on it ya know? If i knew her better then i could feel out her personality a little more..


But im not happy with the phone thing either cause im all about face to face interaction (then why do i post here so much?!). Im gonna have to figure something out

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Compromise. Call her and remind her of who you are. Talk to her for a bit and try to get to know each other a bit. Of things are going good, ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. Don't make a formal, official date as that might seem like you are rushing it. But let her know that she is a really cool person and you want to get to know her better. Hang out as friends and then go from there.


By the way, what gas station was it? Shell? Chevron? I'll have to see which gas station all the cute girls go to.

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