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Guys, What qualities in a girl that makes you like them?

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So, What qualities does the girl you like usually have? If it is physically, mentally, or personality wise. Explain...

It'll start off one of two ways for me. I am a sucker for gorgeous faces. If it's physical, she'll have to have qualities that make me feel warm, otherwise it's useless. But I fall harder in the long run for those who are silly, goofy, playful and who doesn't take life too seriously. There was this one girl who wasn't too attractive to me, but when I got to know her, she was more beautiful than the girls I had crushes on because of their looks. She was funny, sweet, sincere and really dorky. What a woman!

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depends on the guy im sure.


i like a girl who has a gorgeous face. i like a girl who has class..dresses good, not to conservative but not to promiscuous either. shes got to have a good sense of humor and be able to deal with my sarcasm. someone who can be happy doing whatever..someone who is decisive..that is very important. someone that shares my same moral beliefs in general yet if she has a difference in opinion will stand up for her beliefs and not get to mad at me for mine. sexual chemistry is a huge plus..when both of us want it equally. i could go on and on..but theres a start.

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Random as I am which is hard..... (looks at picture) haha...

Someone who is more than a pretty face, they need to have a brain...

Being very outgoing is a big plus on my page

Someone who forces u to dance...... *IM HOOKED ON DANCING NOW*





*Remembers he is white, and stops breakdancing*

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Well, I dunno... I'm not good at talking with girls... I mean, maybe like introductory, but I just dunno. Like the things I talk about with my friends are very different from what I would talk about with a "sane" girl... So, I guess not everyone likes my sense of humor. Also, I'm stupid, cause I'm kinda shy, but I can push myself into talking to girls, but the problem is that I always get interested in quiet girls... I dunno why. But the last girl I was attracted to was quiet, and I think she was shy too. And now I think I wanna try talking to this other girl, but she's quiet too... dammit! lol, oh well. At least I hope she's not as weird and gives out more clear signals...

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Someone who I can spend the entire evening sitting on the couch with watching movies, or on another night I could take out for a night on the town. Someone who stops dead in her tracks to watch the sunset. Intelligent, but not a brainiac. Funny, but can be down-to-earth, too... I am not a looker by any means, so looks aren't that important to me at all... I mean, I have to be attracted, of course, but sometimes that attraction comes after getting to know someone... Someone who doesn't hang on to past mistakes (mine or hers), but learns from them. Well, that's enough for now...

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eyes.........they can make me melt

im a butt man, what can i say?

coincidence or not all my ex's were blondes........its not a preference

personality.........shes got to have one. cant stand the girl that thinks shes above everyone else.

my biggest pet peve is girls that are all about the money, the possesions, or things a guy may have. material girls......stay away.

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A girl who....


Is faithful, has never cheated before.

Respects you and relationships

Isn't an attention seeker

Loves you for who you are, and not just because you look good in certain clothes (because a lot of guys can look good, but not every guy can click with you).

Is good looking (not too thin, not too overweight)

Open to trying new things, but able to say NO! when something isn't cool


If I think of more I'll let you know

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Intelligent, caring, sensitive, respectful, good hearted, giving, and sweet. Someone who knows who she is and is confident in herself, not having to go along with the crowd but can think for herself. Someone who I get along with and we understand and care about each other.

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I see you live in New York, so its important to remember that people in different parts of the world are attracted to different things.


ANyway, here are some things I am attracted to...


1. Physically

A-Dark skin

B-Long hair

C-Shorter than me


2. Mentally

A-Loves me more than anyone else

B-Reasonably intelligent in both academic and social situations

C-Trusting (willing to trust)



3. Personality

A-Has similar values, ambitions, interests as me


C-Happy.....fun.....flirty (with only one guy...LOL..)

D-Responsible and mature


F-Humble but confident

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